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Conques Travel Guide
Conques, Midi-Pyrénées (photo by Jean-Pol GRANDMONT, re-worked by - Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license)
Conques and the Abbey-Church of St. Foy.


Hemmed in a lush green valley at the confluence of the Dourdou and Ouche rivers, Conques is a lovely medieval village brimming with wabbly half-timbered houses and old sandstone edifices.

A major stop on the Ways to St James, Conques' Romanesque Abbey-Church of St. Foy was added to the World Heritage Sites of the Routes of Santiago de Compostela in France in 1998. Conques is also listed as one of the most beautiful villages of France.

Conques came in 5th position nationwide in the 2013 edition of the favourite village of the French people.


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