Y-DNA of Iberians or descendants of recent Iberians

I'll share
The last yfull update put me on the branch L-Y265334, with an Brazilian of recent Portuguese descent, my two other matches being Scandinavians from Norway and Sweden, that fall on another branch below Y109374
There is more people in Portugal, Spain (probably Galicia, judging by group projects) and Scandinavia on FTDNA, but they did not upload their results on yfull and the TMRCA is still quite old
My branch prior of year 1000 ac (800bc) has a connection with One guy from asturias

Do you advise me to use yfull? I only have big y from ftdna
My branch prior of year 1000 ac (800bc) has a connection with One guy from asturias

Do you advise me to use yfull? I only have big y from ftdna
This is your Y haplogroup tree in yfull (your branch is R-BY95973, that is equivalent to R-Y86612 in Yfull tree):
Captura de Tela 2024-05-08 às 02.01.21.png

You have two correspondences: One from the Azores and another from Rio de Janeiro.
You have done the Big Y 700 and if you want you can pay FTDNA to that they can generate a '.BAM' file of your yDNA raw data for you. When you already have the .BAM file generated by FTDNA, you can upload it to Yfull, also for a fee.
My branch prior of year 1000 ac (800bc) has a connection with One guy from asturias

Do you advise me to use yfull? I only have big y from ftdna
As Duarte explained, you would have to pay both FTDNA for the .BAM file and the fee from yfull to have your sample included in the tree.
So, in my opinion, it really depends on how much you can spend, as the entire process can be (somewhat) expensive. An Big Y is already a good test for ydna, so the upload on yfull probably isn't gonna to change much, other than possibly matching people who didn't test at FTDNA.
As Duarte explained, you would have to pay both FTDNA for the .BAM file and the fee from yfull to have your sample included in the tree.
So, in my opinion, it really depends on how much you can spend, as the entire process can be (somewhat) expensive. An Big Y is already a good test for ydna, so the upload on yfull probably isn't gonna to change much, other than possibly matching people who didn't test at FTDNA.
This is your Y haplogroup tree in yfull (your branch is R-BY95973, that is equivalent to R-Y86612 in Yfull tree):
View attachment 16175
You have two correspondences: One from the Azores and another from Rio de Janeiro.
You have done the Big Y 700 and if you want you can pay FTDNA to that they can generate a '.BAM' file of your yDNA raw data for you. When you already have the .BAM file generated by FTDNA, you can upload it to Yfull, also for a fee.

Thank you both in advance for your explanation and help!
It's always good to know more about our past!

In this case I would only connect with the person who is from Brazil.

On yfull, can you find out the name or nickname of the "matches"?
If possible, I can always ask my Azores match to provide it to me.

An interesting fact I discovered was:
"The Portuguese began to populate the Azores islands around 1432, coming mainly from the Algarve, Alentejo, Estremadura and Minho, followed by the entry of Flemings, Bretons and other Europeans and North Africans."

This helps explain why my matches share a common ancestor in the year +- 1250 and with me only in the year +-1000.

In other words, my branch probably spread from the north of Portugal to the center (my line) and south of Portugal with the reconquest.
The southern branch later populated the Azores area.

Later our line also populated Brazil, the Minas Gerais area (a match that I am very close to (him + two sons) who made y111 and this match of yfull who is from Rio de Janeiro.
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Thank you both in advance for your explanation and help!
It's always good to know more about our past!

In this case I would only connect with the person who is from Brazil.

On yfull, can you find out the name or nickname of the "matches"?
If possible, I can always ask my Azores match to provide it to me.

An interesting fact I discovered was:
"The Portuguese began to populate the Azores islands around 1432, coming mainly from the Algarve, Alentejo, Estremadura and Minho, followed by the entry of Flemings, Bretons and other Europeans and North Africans."

This helps explain why my matches share a common thread in the year +- 1250 and with me only in the year +-1000.

In other words, my branch probably spread from the north of Portugal to the center (my line) and south of Portugal with the reconquest.
The southern branch later populated the Azores area.

Later our line also populated Brazil, the Minas Gerais area (a match that I am very close to (him + two sons) who made y111 and this match of yfull who is from Rio de Janeiro.
There is an space for the information about most distant ancestors, but this is optional (like FTDNA). So you'd probably need to contact the owners of the samples.
Your take on your line looks very plausible. My own ancestors probably followed a similar route, as the Iberians on Y109374 seem to be mostly from Galicia and northern Portugal as for now.
Kirgonix, for the BAM file you have to pay €93 ($100), plus €45 for the Yfull service.
I uploaded my data to Yfull, and I was assigned the same terminal branch.
One of the advantages of Yfull is that you can find matches who may come from different companies, from FTDna, Nebula, etc…, like Aemilius said.
In my case this did not happen. I am alone in my branch.
I have more people in my branch on FTDNA than on Yfull.
But my main reason for subscribing to Yfull wasn't even to find matches, it was to be registered, with my haplogroup (ydna and mtdna), on the service.
And in my opinion, that alone is worth it.​
Kirgonix, for the BAM file you have to pay €93 ($100), plus €45 for the Yfull service.
I uploaded my data to Yfull, and I was assigned the same terminal branch.
One of the advantages of Yfull is that you can find matches who may come from different companies, from FTDna, Nebula, etc…, like Aemilius said.
In my case this did not happen. I am alone in my branch.
I have more people in my branch on FTDNA than on Yfull.
But my main reason for subscribing to Yfull wasn't even to find matches, it was to be registered, with my haplogroup (ydna and mtdna), on the service.
And in my opinion, that alone is worth it.​
Ok. Yor mtDNA was imported from FTDNA too?
Ok. Yor mtDNA was imported from FTDNA too?
Yes, you need to take the mtDNA test.

Its a FASTA file and and it can be downloaded from the mtDNA Mutations page, in the lower right corner there is a orange FASTA button.
This is the information Yfull has about your maternal haplogroup :

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