With what ancient ethnicity do you most identify, and what has DNA told you ?

An umap (Ph2ter) with the most recent publishes Saxon samples, I'm in the middle of the original "Saxon cluster" (red just above the word germanic).

I guess this is pretty accurate with my ancestry, the outmost North Dutch are a kind of "original Anglo-Saxon jurassic park". ;)

I identify myself with the 'free minded seafaring culture' the Anglo-Danish aka Saxons had...

MyTrueAncestry says my closest ancient populations are: Celtic Britons, Celts, Anglo-saxons, Celtic Dobunni, and the Gaels

Celt + Anglo Saxon (5.567)
Celt + Celtic Dobunni (5.717)
Celt + Briton (6.007)
Celt + Gael (6.028)
Gael + Anglo Saxon (6.216)
Briton (6.618)
Gael (7.082)
Celt (7.515)
Celtic Dobunni (7.786)
Anglo Saxon (7.814)



When I think of ancient peoples, there are two that immediately come to mind, the Greeks and the Romans. The Greeks in a wave of creative genius laid the foundations of Western civilization. And in relation to the Romans, I always remember what Nietzsche said about them:​
“What stood as aere perennius (more lasting than bronze), the imperium Romanum, the most magnificent form of organization ever to be achieved under difficult conditions, compared to which everything before or after has just been patched together, botched and dilettante…

The imperium Romanum that we know, and that the history of the Roman provinces teaches us to know better and better—this most admirable of all works of art in the grand manner was merely the beginning, and the structure to follow was to prove its worth for thousands of years. To this day, nothing on a like scale sub specie aeterni (from the viewpoint of eternity) has been brought into being, or even dreamed of! “

I love and admire the ancient Greeks and Romans, but the ancient people who I identified the most are the Lusitanians, my distant ancestors from Western Iberia. This is noticeable by my avatar, Tautalus, a Lusitanian warrior and by my profile banner, which represents the death of Viriathus, the great leader of the Lusitanians.


The Lusitanians were Indo-European speaking tribes, whose ancestry would be made up mainly of native Iberian Chalcolithic people and the Bell Beakers who arrived on the peninsula in the early Bronze Age.

Theories differ about their language, some consider it a Celtic language, others Italic, others still basal Italo-Celtic. Being a language derived from the Bell Beakers, it is related to the Italo-Celtic family.​

Strabo said of them “And yet the country north of the Tagus, Lusitania, is the greatest of the nations in Hispania, and is the nation against which the Romans waged war for the longest times.

They were barbarians in the eyes of the Romans, but they were a proud and independent people who fought and gave the Romans great disappointments for several decades before they were finally conquered.

Once conquered and romanized, they lost their language and identity, as happened with many other peoples conquered by the Romans. The little we know about them today is due to Greek and Roman writers.​

They, and other peoples from Western Iberia with the same ethnic background formed in the Early Bronze Age, constitute the majority of my ancestry.


I and all Portuguese still today have an emotional connection with this ancient people, although their blood is diluted and the memory of their culture and identity has been lost for millennia.
Numero Uno :


Romans of Italy
The geographic location and age of the Roman remains that make up this population group corresponds to Italia (Roman Italy) itself. This period of time represents the Roman Empire in its entirety, from its beginning (31 BCE - 476 CE) through its height, until its fracture into part of the Western Roman Empire, and its eventual invasion by the Ostrogoths in 476 CE.
Under Roman rule - beginning with Julius Caesar in 49 BCE - the Italian peninsula experienced great achievements in literature, architecture, and the arts that was particularly focussed in Rome and its surrounding areas. Rome, the Eternal City, is the largest municipality on the European continent today, mostly owed to its history as the capital of the Roman Empire.

... far away:



23andme - Ancient shared DNA
... the Normans in Puglia ... ... I think.

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I noticed that Rs 83 + VK 17 = 100

… maybe Greek (44) overlap with Rs, … probably a partial common Ancestry.
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