Will all people of the world mix creating one race in the future?

Granted it was a lesser messalians than interracial marriage, but still people broke their strong cultural divides and hatred and British married Irish or German Polish.
In todays more tolerant society racial borders are being open. It is just a mater of time for all to mix. Give it a thousand of years.
LeBrok you call yourself a citizen of the world, so your stance on this topic is understandable, but I doubt that reality corresponds to your idealized vision.
LeBrok you call yourself a citizen of the world, so your stance on this topic is understandable, but I doubt that reality corresponds to your idealized vision.
I don't have any visions of my perfect society, as long as it is tolerant, free, inclusive and well off.
I'm merely pointing the natural trends unleashed by technology and economy, known as globalization.
I hope not. If there are different races/ethnicities in the world is for a reason, nature is wise as they say...
Granted it was a lesser messalians than interracial marriage, but still people broke their strong cultural divides and hatred and British married Irish or German Polish.
In todays more tolerant society racial borders are being open. It is just a mater of time for all to mix. Give it a thousand of years.

white Americans even in the 1700's where not a culturally divided as u say. 2nd generation Germans spoke English they looked no diff from the english or irish they lived together. most of my ancestry has been here since the 1600's and early 1700's we have records in my family of english marrying German, German marrying scotch Irish, and scotch Irish marry first generation Scottish. They where inter marrying even in the 1600's and 1700's there was not that much of a cultural divide once they learned english and grew up in america.

the biggest divide with white Americans was catholic or protestant but they still inter married it was not that big of a divide. ur overrating it. with white Americans and black Americans or Hispanics there is a obvious phiscal difference and more of a culturally difference that is why they rarely inter marry. Also i think white people just naturally aren't as attracted to black people. in my opinon it is pretty obivous diff races are more attracted to each other.

Hispanics though are not exactly a race they are a mix of native american and Spanish.
I don't have any visions of my perfect society, as long as it is tolerant, free, inclusive and well off.
I'm merely pointing the natural trends unleashed by technology and economy, known as globalization.

'Natural trends unleashed by technology and economy' don't stop Japan or South Korea from having ethnically homogenous nations.

As for me as a Georgian, if we were to lose our ethno-cultural identity I would not give a damn about how tolerant, free, inclusive and well-off the society in general there will be...
I don't have any visions of my perfect society, as long as it is tolerant, free, inclusive and well off.
I'm merely pointing the natural trends unleashed by technology and economy, known as globalization.
There is no such thing as a "trend", it's something planned and deliberate.
white Americans even in the 1700's where not a culturally divided as u say. 2nd generation Germans spoke English they looked no diff from the english or irish they lived together. most of my ancestry has been here since the 1600's and early 1700's we have records in my family of english marrying German, German marrying scotch Irish, and scotch Irish marry first generation Scottish. They where inter marrying even in the 1600's and 1700's there was not that much of a cultural divide once they learned english and grew up in america.

the biggest divide with white Americans was catholic or protestant but they still inter married it was not that big of a divide. ur overrating it. with white Americans and black Americans or Hispanics there is a obvious phiscal difference and more of a culturally difference that is why they rarely inter marry. Also i think white people just naturally aren't as attracted to black people. in my opinon it is pretty obivous diff races are more attracted to each other.
It is true that most people will stay with their group. But even if this process is slow it is ongoing and speeding up with today's "shrinking" world. That's why my conclusion is that eventually world will mix up. I don't care much for it, but I can see the process and its consequences.

Hispanics though are not exactly a race they are a mix of native american and Spanish.
Look at this, they've mixed already. Are you trying to help my point? :)
'Natural trends unleashed by technology and economy' don't stop Japan or South Korea from having ethnically homogenous nations.
Obviously there are some very "conservative" nations, but it would be naive to assume they are immune from mixing. Yoko Ono married John Lenon, and I just met Japanese plumber who married white girl, and what about Tiger Woods?
Just because you don't like it, it doesn't stop the world from doing whatever it wants. If you want to stay blind, stay blind.

As for me as a Georgian, if we were to lose our ethno-cultural identity I would not give a damn about how tolerant, free, inclusive and well-off the society in general there will be...
With all due respect, what so special about Georgians? If Georgia vanished from this planet today 7 billion people wouldn't notice any difference.
There is no such thing as a "trend", it's something planned and deliberate.
That's for sure, we are all here to get you...
It is true that most people will stay with their group. But even if this process is slow it is ongoing and speeding up with today's "shrinking" world. That's why my conclusion is that eventually world will mix up. I don't care much for it, but I can see the process and its consequences.

i dont think it is speeding up sure now there are cross racial marriages because it is more accepted. but it is still very rare i doubt it will speed up in the future. i think u have good points but i still think people are not going to mix alot in the future it depends what happens in the future. The western world will eventullay fall possibly conquered by Communist or the Muslim world if that happens mixing will be more possible because we will loose our ethnic identities and be pilled up together.

i dont want to sound raciest but i think white people mainly white men just are less attracted to black people. I think diff races are more attracted to each other.

Look at this, they've mixed already. Are you trying to help my point? :)

well that is very true but u have too look at the history. Spain conquered all of Latin america well i guess Portugal conquered some areas maybe a few other european countries did to. Spanish soldiers i remember learning in history class had no Spanish women so they had kids with native americans some times by force. I think most Spanish that came where only men so they had to inter marry. I guess it is more complicated than that though.
Obviously there are some very "conservative" nations, but it would be naive to assume they are immune from mixing. Yoko Ono married John Lenon, and I just met Japanese plumber who married white girl, and what about Tiger Woods?
Just because you don't like it, it doesn't stop the world from doing whatever it wants. If you want to stay blind, stay blind.

the fact is that even in america diff races mix very rarelly and it is not going to grow. When did he ever say he did not like hey if u want everyone to do what they want can i kill the next guy that walks on my sidewalk.

we have gone over this there will always be rules tolerant does not mean let people do whatever they want ur idea of tolerant seems pretty untolernt to me u dont allow people to have national pride like Georgians because it does not really efect anyone else well it effects Georgians. plus u only allow people to have one OPINON and allow what u think they should allow and not allow what u dont think they should allow. ur idea of tolerance might not be tolerant enough for some people and tolerant of things other people thing should not be tolerated.

U cant tolerate everything

With all due respect, what so special about Georgians? If Georgia vanished from this planet today 7 billion people wouldn't notice any difference.

Georgians are special to Georgians that matters. If u destroy their identity with ur so called tolerant society that is not being un tolerant. U only see ur opinion as tolerant other see it as not tolerant enough or to tolerant to bad things. All we are arguing is what should be allowed and what should not be allowed and we have different opinions neither of us tolerate better.
More and more people can travel freely around the world, also emigrating and immigrating on large scale. Old customs and arranged marriages coming to past, and freedom of personal choices is embraced. Racism and segregation is abolished and interracial mixing become socially acceptable.

why cant u have old customs and freedom of religion, speech etc. why do u want to create this globealization where all traditions are destroyed that sounds alot like communism. arranged marriages in the western world where destroyed very long ago because of Christianity. U have to have limits on freedom of persnol choices u cant allow people to rape animals or kill each other for no reason. Even in ur tolerant society there are rules.

Inter mixing between races is very rare in america. U think ur opinion on society is so great destroy all past evils everyone is free. u keep forgetting u have rules too there has to be regulations and some peoples regulations are diffenrt from ur's there is nothing wrong with that. U probably think i was not tolernt if i though it was wrong to have people of the same gender having sexual relation ships in my opinion that is wrong and is one of those limits. i mean i guess it could be allowed but i would still dis agree with it. u would call me un tolerant i am not i just have a diff opinion on what the limit is. u would not agree with 30 year olds having a sexual relationship with a 10 year old or an animals even though they might say they love each other or the animals. u think that is wrong someone else could call u un tolernt too.

u get what i am saying i am not un tolerant and hateful towards different people just i have limits on diff moral laws that u dont have maybe u have stricter limits other people don't have. Also in ur idea of society it seems u want all old customs gone that is pretty un tolerant. ur idea of a good scoiety reminds me of Communism.

Maybe the question should be if, but only when whole world becomes well mixed in single race?

Please post pictures of how you think well mixed individual of the world will look like.
Obviously there are some very "conservative" nations, but it would be naive to assume they are immune from mixing. Yoko Ono married John Lenon, and I just met Japanese plumber who married white girl, and what about Tiger Woods?
Just because you don't like it, it doesn't stop the world from doing whatever it wants. If you want to stay blind, stay blind.

With all due respect, what so special about Georgians? If Georgia vanished from this planet today 7 billion people wouldn't notice any difference.

I don't think I am the blind here ;)

It holds for individuals as well. If one dies right now '7 billion people wouldn't notice any difference', so are you going to commit a suicide?

Globalization is not a natural event as you want to portrait it. There are some interest groups who brought it in motion and there are interest groups which are against it. The outcome depends which of those will have stronger will and who will be more resourceful.
That's for sure, we are all here to get you...
You don't get it...globalization is something planned by a few big corporations, the so called Oligarchy. There is no such "natural trends" that you are talking about.
why cant u have old customs
Such as sacrificing a human, so to ensure you get good harvest or keep the demons from your community, perhaps? Or burn any-one who helps with a natural potion or has a dislike for the community faith? Surely you don`t mean these good old customs and such like, do you.

and freedom of religion
I think one of the main reason many went to America, apart from trying to work towards better life, was because of religious persecution, so it is incorrect to say freedom of religion always applied, or yet does in all places even to-day.

U have to have limits on freedom of persnol choices u cant allow people to rape animals or kill each other for no reason. Even in ur tolerant society there are rules.
I read the post you are quoting, I do not see any-one advocating the murder of another or indeed the rape of animals. You really should reply to that which is written and not that which you "think" is written.

Inter mixing between races is very rare in america.
No, it is not "very" rare. Inter-racial marriage figures [ and we are not even calculating for those who live together and were not counted] are, in both Canada and U.S.A. at a new time high. I think one in twelve for America.

U think ur opinion on society is so great destroy all past evils everyone is free.
I could sign up for that. Perhaps you yourself would prefer to live under dictatorship or have no freedom of expression?

u keep forgetting u have rules too there has to be regulations and some peoples regulations are diffenrt from ur's there is nothing wrong with that.
Keep in mind this can apply to personal choice also and all sections must have protection under laws.

u would not agree with 30 year olds having a sexual relationship with a 10 year old or an animals
No, because that would be molestation of a child. Much different topic indeed.
No, because animals cannot give verbal consent.
Such as sacrificing a human, so to ensure you get good harvest or keep the demons from your community, perhaps? Or burn any-one who helps with a natural potion or has a dislike for the community faith? Surely you don`t mean these good old customs and such like, do you.

I think one of the main reason many went to America, apart from trying to work towards better life, was because of religious persecution, so it is incorrect to say freedom of religion always applied, or yet does in all places even to-day.

Isn't he the one proclaiming that all muslims are enemies number one?! Now he is for freedom of religion, lol, I guess only his religion.

He doesn't realise that Freedom of Religion Acts in western world were formulated to stop inter-religion fighting, to stop hegemony of one major religion persecuting others. That's what happened in Poland, England and US to stop wars between faiths. There was not even one instance that Freedom of Religion was declared against Atheists attacking Religious people.
Ironically for him, freedom of religion was proclaimed against intolerant religious zealots like him.
Such as sacrificing a human, so to ensure you get good harvest or keep the demons from your community, perhaps? Or burn any-one who helps with a natural potion or has a dislike for the community faith? Surely you don`t mean these good old customs and such like, do you.

when did i ever say that.

I think one of the main reason many went to America, apart from trying to work towards better life, was because of religious persecution, so it is incorrect to say freedom of religion always applied, or yet does in all places even to-day.

they ran away from religious persecution for religious freedom.

I read the post you are quoting, I do not see any-one advocating the murder of another or indeed the rape of animals. You really should reply to that which is written and not that which you "think" is written.

I never said any one wrote that i was giving an example. U gues think ur the best version of tolernce when u just have ur own opinon on what is tolernt and what is not.

No, it is not "very" rare. Inter-racial marriage figures [ and we are not even calculating for those who live together and were not counted] are, in both Canada and U.S.A. at a new time high. I think one in twelve for America.

that is 0.83% that is very rare and from what i have witnessed living in one of the most diverse areas in america and the world it is very rare. i live in america u live in ireland i have a better idea of what racial relations are.

I could sign up for that. Perhaps you yourself would prefer to live under dictatorship or have no freedom of expression?

what does this have to do with what i said. well in ur guys society's everyone has to have a left winged opinon because u think all others are close minded and hatful.

Keep in mind this can apply to personal choice also and all sections must have protection under laws.

No, because that would be molestation of a child. Much different topic indeed.
No, because animals cannot give verbal consent.
well; that is what people 50 years ago said about gay marriage now u guys have made it a moral crusade. u cant just put animals off the subject many people have the same opinion on gay marriage and 10 years old can give verbal consent.
Isn't he the one proclaiming that all muslims are enemies number one?! Now he is for freedom of religion, lol, I guess only his religion.
once agian ur sterotyping me i mean the Muslim countures who want to destroy the western world and the terroist are a huge threat number one or two under north korea and all communist nations.

i have had Muslim friends since i was a kid i ahve always had Muslim neighbors stereotype me has who u want me to be when maybe ur the hateful one.

He doesn't realise that Freedom of Religion Acts in western world were formulated to stop inter-religion fighting, to stop hegemony of one major religion persecuting others. That's what happened in Poland, England and US to stop wars between faiths. There was not even one instance that Freedom of Religion was declared against Atheists attacking Religious people.
Ironically for him, freedom of religion was proclaimed against intolerant religious zealots like him.

I believe in freedom of religion i wont deny the Muslim world is a huge threat. I think in ur society u don't believe in good morals or for people to think differently than u. Can u stop stero typing me and my people to who u want us to be hateful and prejudice. so far u are the hatful prejudice one going of the same arguments if the 1960's that age is over. The liberal media will be stopped and our country will wake up and i know when i say that u think i mean in a bad way. ur generation 1960-1980's in my opinon went way way to far and to against the past and traditions and are to hateful against religion.

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