why turks have most higher r1a?

It is clear that the Turkic peoples absorbed Indo-European populations from the steppe, such as Scythians.
As a Turk, this week my familytreedna y-dna test result was R1a-M198. According to what I read somewhere, the Ottoman dynasty was also R1a-Z93.
I don't know if it has been mentioned before in this thread but a lot of Slavs that became muslims during the Ottoman Empire's occupation of the Balkans have R1a Y-DNA. Plus of course all the R1a subclades from the Central Asia area.
From what I have seen online, R1a is not a particularly prominent haplogroup among Turks. Only 7% so far and I assume that most of it falls under the Z93 subclade which the Turks picked up from the Iranian Scythians, directly or through assimilation of other groups who picked it up before. I would not overestimate the presence of Slavic subclades but there were some minor migrations from the Balkans to Turkey during and after the fall of the Ottoman Empire.

The Turks are one of the most genetically diverse nations in West Eurasia. Proto-Turkic haplogroups were most likely clades of C2 and O3. They would have mixed with West Eurasians very early on in central Asia. There's very little left of that original Turkic heritage.

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