Who is the most attractive country in Europe?

Who is the most attractive nation in Europe?

  • Sweden

    Votes: 13 15.5%
  • England

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Germany

    Votes: 3 3.6%
  • Italy

    Votes: 17 20.2%
  • France

    Votes: 11 13.1%
  • Spain

    Votes: 11 13.1%
  • Poland

    Votes: 3 3.6%
  • Holland

    Votes: 5 6.0%
  • Ireland

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • I have a better suggestion!

    Votes: 19 22.6%

  • Total voters
I see them green too.
England most beutiful country? Ha ya ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Really? Are you high ?

Are you high? Were are you from
my apologies in advance, (I suppose there will be nice Englishmen) you can't generalize but, I don't like the English and I don't like their country. we have had 11 wars with them, they are our best enemies. They eat badly and they are a sad country, envious, hypocrites and liars. they only interest us because they come to our beaches to get drunk. I am glad they are not in the European Union.
@ Gaska,

Are YOU high? What makes you think you can speak like this to our members, and denigrate English women, and get away with it?

denigrate english women? Who said anything about women?
England most beutiful country? Ha ya ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Britain has very beautiful landscapes. Cornwall for example has a fantastic coast, the Mountainous region in Scotland and the National Park in Wales are impressive, too. There are idyllic looking small villages all over Britain. The weather is usually not great in Britain and the food there is not the best.
Switzerland is a whole vibe. But then again I always prefer alp surrounded lakes to beaches (the ones with sand).
Britain has very beautiful landscapes. Cornwall for example has a fantastic coast, the Mountainous region in Scotland and the National Park in Wales are impressive, too. There are idyllic looking small villages all over Britain. The weather is usually not great in Britain and the food there is not the best.

Yeah, beautiful, beatiful landscapes, amazing landscapes. I prefer Bavaria, but i dont think you are german. May be Italian?
my apologies in advance, (I suppose there will be nice Englishmen) you can't generalize but, I don't like the English and I don't like their country. we have had 11 wars with them, they are our best enemies. They eat badly and they are a sad country, envious, hypocrites and liars. they only interest us because they come to our beaches to get drunk. I am glad they are not in the European Union.

You have been banned for 10 days.
Yeah, beautiful, beatiful landscapes, amazing landscapes. I prefer Bavaria, but i dont think you are german. May be Italian?

I'm not Italian:LOL: but I travel a lot to Italy.

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