Crime Riots in France over police shooting

May be this from wiki can be debunked too?

The term "Cultural Marxism" refers to a far-right antisemitic conspiracy theory which misrepresents the Frankfurt School as being responsible for modern progressive movements, identity politics, and political correctness. The conspiracy theory posits that there is an ongoing and intentional academic and intellectual effort to subvert Western society via a planned culture war that undermines the Christian values of traditionalist conservatism and seeks to replace them with culturally liberal values.[1][2][3][4]
Although similarities with the Nazi propaganda term "Cultural Bolshevism" have been noted, the contemporary conspiracy theory originated in the United States during the 1990s.[5][1][6][note 1] Originally found only on the far-right political fringe, the term began to enter mainstream discourse in the 2010s and is now found globally.[6] The conspiracy theory of a Marxist culture war is promoted by right-wing politicians, fundamentalist religious leaders, political commentators in mainstream print and television media, and white supremacist terrorists,[7] and has been described as "a foundational element of the alt-right worldview".[8] Scholarly analysis of the conspiracy theory has concluded that it has no basis in fact.[6][9]
@Jovialis I finally agree with something from Trump:

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) defined “woke” as a “form of Cultural Marxism” when asked to define the word in response to former President Trump’s remark that he does not like to define the word because “half the people can’t even define it.”

“I don’t like the term ‘woke’ because I hear, ‘Woke, woke, woke.’ It’s just a term they use, half the people can’t even define it, they don’t know what it is,” Trump said.

hear hear Trump :LOL:
No I'm just asking what "cultural marxism" and "woke" are. Contrary to marxism (a kind of ideology) they seem be only used as labels.

I don't use those labels. So the one who uses those labels have to qualify I guess.....

"What it truly is", sound pretentious to me.

I don't care what it sounds like to you, because that's just some lame rhetorical tool you are employing to disarm me. "oh my, I don't want to be called pretentious" please, come on man.

Woke is a repackaging of Cultural Marxism for the 21st century.

The United States has successfully confronted Marxist attempts to derail it from its historic path of liberty and order. The multifaceted effort to defeat the enemy, generally referred to as the Cold War, concentrated many of the best minds in the country. In 1991, when the Soviet Union dissolved, many Americans and others around the globe justifiably believed that communism had been defeated. However, American Marxists, making use of the complacency that victory often produces, have gained more influence than ever before. Cloaking their goals under the pretense of social justice, they now seek to dismantle the foundations of the American republic by rewriting history; reintroducing racism; creating privileged classes; and determining what can be said in public discourse, the military, and houses of worship. Unless Marxist thought is defeated again, today’s cultural Marxists will achieve what the Soviet Union never could: the subjugation of the United States to a totalitarian, soul-destroying ideology.

I guess it shows the difference in intelligence between DeSantis and Trump.

DeSantis is a Harvard trained lawyer. Trump is a rich kid that bought his way through school.

Frankly, the fact you agree with him, doesn't speak well of your thought process on this subject.
I doubt everyone can understand it, but this is a good overview of Cultural Marxism from its roots in the writings of Marx(in the context of a discussion of the Birmingham school). It has been the dominant ideology of academia throughout the West since the 60s. How you could have attended university in the decades since then and not been aware of it is beyond me.
I guess it shows the difference in intelligence between DeSantis and Trump.

DeSantis is a Harvard trained lawyer. Trump is a rich kid that bought his way through school.

Frankly, the fact you agree with him, doesn't speak well of your thought process on this subject.

I can agree on the most what you say about Trump, but in the case of woke he has a pont imo....
I can agree on the most what you say about Trump, but in the case of woke he has a pont imo....

If DeSantis didn't establish his brand as being the most Anti-Woke candidate, Trump would have filled that void, and ran with it. This is politics, plain and simple.

DeSantis is to the right of Trump. So Trump is trying to market himself more as a centrist. However, no matter what Trump does, his is literally Hitler in the eyes of the left. If DeSantis wins, he is literally Hitler. Anyone who is not a mainstream Democrat, will be harangued by the media, no matter what they do.
But also, Trump probably doesn't know what woke is, because he doesn't actually care or really know about the position of his platform. His supreme court picks were chosen by the Evangelicals. He had neoconservatives in his administration. The man is a god damn moron.
I doubt everyone can understand it, but this is a good overview of Cultural Marxism from its roots in the writings of Marx(in the context of a discussion of the Birmingham school). It has been the dominant ideology of academia throughout the West since the 60s. How you could have attended university in the decades since then and not been aware of it is beyond me.

Marxism was by no means the dominant ideology on my University in Groningen.

The irony is that the one who gave Marxist sociology in the early eighties was the founding father of "populist right" in the Netherlands, which ended in a terrible political murder in 2002:

When I went to university I got lessons from the eminent professor Frank Ankersmit, a well known more conservative-liberal thinker:

So even in a leftist town as Groningen, marxist were at the university never dominant!
Marxism was by no means the dominant ideology on my University in Groningen.

The irony is that the one who gave Marxism in the early eighties was the founding father of "populist right" in the Netherlands, which ended in a terrible political murder in 2002:

When I went to university I got lessons from the eminent professor Frank Ankersmit, a well known more conservative-liberal thinker:

So even in a leftist town as Groningen, marxist were at the university never dominant!

Mussolini was a Marxist at one point too. So an evolution for this individual towards the populist right is not out of the ordinary.

I was a left-winger when I was young, but then I realized, "hey a lot of this stuff seems to be against my morality and natural instincts, and actually tries to diminish me as a person".
Mussolini was a Marxist at one point too. So an evolution for this individual towards the populist right is not out of the ordinary.

I was a left-winger when I was young, but then I realized, "hey a lot of this stuff seems to be against my morality and natural instincts, and actually tries to diminish me as a person".

Yes, I'm a fan of the "horseshoe" theory of Pels, in which the extremes are touching each other.

Sorry in Dutch, but I guess quit clear:

This is more to do with "liberal anti-democracy," with Western elites thwarting the will of the people, from Hamilton & Madison to Wilson & FDR down to Karl Popper and the post-war consensus.

When was the last time the people of any country ever voted for mass immigration? Or even given the slightest say in the matter? If you answered "never," you'd be correct

Only when Europe breaks free of American tutelage will mass (replacement) immigration end

Agree with the most, only your last and too hopeful sentance.
I've said in the past that I bet corporations and even governments are possibly influenced bots, that they perceive are some kind of consensus. I could really see that, they probably hire some Ivy League hacks to do low-effort research, and the computer illiterate old people with power splash money around. I don't actually think governments, and corporations that do this are necessarily evil. I think they are just greedy, stupid, and ignorant. However, our rivals who do have nefarious intentions exploit that greed, stupidity and ignorance. Just like the way the Chinese government exploited the greed of American capitalists with outsourcing.

Look at how fast that low-quality beer, Budweiser back tracked from having a transgender person represent them. They did it for money, and because they are following a "trend".

Nevertheless, the "trends" are indeed Cultural-Marxism, weaponized against the west. This is psychological warfare.

A ex-soviet citizen from Poland recently told me that people like Yuri Bezmenov are absolutely correct, that this is what the USSR did. Now China, Russia, Iran, and far-left wing extremists throughout the EU are doing the same thing today.


I wonder why he wants to cut off social media? ;)

Maybe it is Russia, China, and their Left-wing French flunkies galvanizing civil discord.

Macron's call to 'cut off' social media during riots sparks backlash in France
Agree with the most, only your last and too hopeful sentance.

Europe didn't need American tutelage to open the doors to mass migration.

It opened the doors itself, in virtually all cases out of greed. Postwar, they needed the migrants to man the factories, as in, for example, Belgium, never thinking ahead to the fact that someday the factories might have to downsize, but the migrants might still be there.

Or, additionally, in the case of France, they got used to benefiting from the "colonial tax" to which 14 countries in Africa are subject.

Until the European countries see their history objectively, taking the blame for their own decisions, nothing will change.

France believed that telling their North African and SSA migrants in the name of liberte, egalite, fraternite, that they were now French would make these people loyal to France. There's a video making the rounds on twitter of journalists asking the French born North African and SSA teenagers if they feel French, and the resounding answer was "NO". One even said, you keep telling us we're French now, but we speak Arabic at home, we eat North African foods, our furnishings aren't European, we don't have European customs, even when we look at you we see we're not French.

That is emphatically NOT the attitude of the descendants of the great migration to the U.S. It IS the attitude of some African Americans, but by no means all, and, to point out the obvious, the coming of SSA people to American shores began before there WAS a United States of America, and it was NOT a migration. It was the purchase of human beings as slaves, human beings captured and sold, btw, by their own compatriots in Africa. We are paying the price for that decision based in greed, and Europeans are paying their own price. They should own it, as we own ours.
As long as autocrats like Putin and Assad sow death and destruction. And as long as it is a great sowing of poverty in parts of Africa, people will continue to come to Europe. No referendum will change that.

Better a monarch or autocrat who rules in the long-term interests of his people than a "two party system" or "parliamentary system" controlled by liberal elites actively working to destroy their own people. Do I think Putin is the ideal ruler? Not at all. I'd much rather have Louis IX or Edward Longshanks. Or Andrew Jackson. But compare Putin with his Western contemporaries, he's clearly the better ruler.

As for Assad, I don't know much about him. But he clearly has popular support across a very divided land, and his toughness and tenacity cannot be doubted. Again, can you imagine Macron and his ilk surviving what Assad has gone through?
And as long as it is a great sowing of poverty in parts of Africa, people will continue to come to Europe. No referendum will change that.

I certainly don't support the global-capitalist interests who exploit Africa. I say leave Africa to the Africans. Stay out of their affairs, don't cripple and distort their economies. Let their exploding population find its own level within the bounds of their fertile continent.

And keep Europe for Europeans. It's simply a question of political will and moral belief, backed by guns. Every NGO craft ferrying Africans could by sunk by torpedo, and the ones already in Europe could be sent back, either through incentive schemes or by more brutal means.

When you say "no referendum will change that," you pretend that this is foreordained. It is not. It is the policy choice of hostile elites. What Europe needs is a new elite, an elite that is loyal to its own people.
The fact is that the extreme right wing in Europe has close ties to Putin's Russia. Thiery Baudet, one of the leading figures of the Dutch extreme, got money from Vladimir Kornilov, they organized a referendum about the membership of EU from the Ukraine.....

Have you ever wondered how many European leaders (political & cultural) are on the CIA payroll? --> Check out "The Cultural Cold War" by Frances Stonor Saunders, and then use your imagination to update to the present day.

Of course now we have the Chinese buying American leaders en masse, from Biden to university professors to corporate execs on down the line

Somehow I don't think the Russians buy as many "influencers" as the Americans and Chinese
Better a monarch or autocrat who rules in the long-term interests of his people than a "two party system" or "parliamentary system" controlled by liberal elites actively working to destroy their own people. Do I think Putin is the ideal ruler? Not at all. I'd much rather have Louis IX or Edward Longshanks. Or Andrew Jackson. But compare Putin with his Western contemporaries, he's clearly the better ruler.

As for Assad, I don't know much about him. But he clearly has popular support across a very divided land, and his toughness and tenacity cannot be doubted. Again, can you imagine Macron and his ilk surviving what Assad has gone through?

Clearly Malaparte we are diametrically opposed, totally different perception of democracy, and individual freedom. Collectivism and authoritarianism are apparently above it.

If you put it this way, in 2023 unbelievable after 1.5 years of senseless war. It started for imperialistic, revanchistic reasons, restoration of the old "Rus", wouldn't it, three days of war and the Russians would be welcomed as liberators. None of this, sowing death and destruction.

Prisons are emptied, contract Mikis hired and hunted onto the battlefield and served as cannon fodder. In hordes at once.

And where if you mention the word war in public you will be taken away in vans to rot in a filthy prison.

Where the opposition is stifled and poisoned.......

If Putin stands up for the interests of the people Malaparte, why was it so quiet that Saturday in Moscow, where was the mass demonstration of support for the leader who cares so much for the people?
I certainly don't support the global-capitalist interests who exploit Africa. I say leave Africa to the Africans. Stay out of their affairs, don't cripple and distort their economies. Let their exploding population find its own level within the bounds of their fertile continent.

And keep Europe for Europeans. It's simply a question of political will and moral belief, backed by guns. Every NGO craft ferrying Africans could by sunk by torpedo, and the ones already in Europe could be sent back, either through incentive schemes or by more brutal means.

When you say "no referendum will change that," you pretend that this is foreordained. It is not. It is the policy choice of hostile elites. What Europe needs is a new elite, an elite that is loyal to its own people.

You forget a big chapter of foreign interventions Malaparte, the activities in Africa of the Wagner group, butchering merciless the people and grabbing for gold, diamants etc

So we need a new elite like in Russia of greedy, grabby oligarchs and lawless warlords? Pretty obscene imo.
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