Ottoman Empire (Balkans)

@ Eupator 2nd post,

why I ask to remove Greek flag,

plz watch the video min 0:27 to min 0:30 a girl with red t-shirt doing crap, can you understand what she is doing

Actually NO

1. is 3rd Bigeest Holly day in Rums the day that Mother Mary slept (died)
2. it is like blue tzami or HayiaSofia, or even like a temple eaqual to the top 5 tzami of Islam for Greeks, It is Tenos island Mother Mary sleep church, the biggest celebrations.

it is not a girl doing crap,
It is an underaged Turkish girl ( later arrested but left Free) making the signal of grey wolfs, and threatens via TV that will cut our heads !!!!

I am sure Greeks do such many times, and many Turks also, But for the eye of the Greeks or Turks it is easy to distinguish.

Part 2

the difference of Rum and Ottomans or Why Greeks Revolt,

this a celbration of 3rd Holliest day of Rums in Turkey. the place manastiri Sumela, most foreigners Tourists with Rum origins, and offcourse Patriarcha Ecumenica. ANY OTHER OFFICIAL? any goverment representation?


Now lets see the same in Greece, Same Day, same Hours, church, not monasteri, of Sumela, mt Vermion, the icon is the icon of monastery

WoW, Minister of Finance,miniister of N Greece, minister .... WoW 2nd party at parliament representatives, WoW 3rd party at parliament representatives, .... WoW chief head of Army, ..... Preferacture elected chairmen, Mayors, ... Who is with beard? .... Oh he is a European parliament member !!!!

Eupator? why there was never an Ottoman officer at Rum Holly celebrations? since Ottoman care so much for Rums and gave them rights?

Oh offcourse same day Horon,
[FONT=&quot]Hani ya da benim elli dirhem pastrmam pastırmam[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Konyalı’dan başkasına bastırmam yar yar[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Konyalım yürü, yürü yavrum yürü, aslan yarim yürü[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Aldattılar seni, vermediler beni

[FONT=&quot]this not somewhere in Turkey, but in Greece same day, late afternoon.

<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Roboto Slab", sans-serif;">

[FONT=&quot][/FONT]Rum does not mean slave, neither ic oglan
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!rst you did analyze in Greek.

Check your inbox, you are not allowed to write in different languages on this board.
Check your inbox, you are not allowed to write in different languages on this board.

you are, if you also write them in English
The rise of Neo-Turk nationalism was a direct response to the creation of neo-Greek and other neo-Balkan nationalisms, as well as a response that rose to capitalize on Western (and Russian secondary) colonial involvement in the region.

There are people on the internet that do nothing but spew hatred and racism (from both countries Greece and Turkey and of course the other Balkan nations) trying to drown all other opinions with their loudness and their "passion" (or so they think) but there's also a big number of us who want peace and progress and friendship recognizing our many common cultural bonds and shared history.

The Greek nation is a small island on the brink of annihilation (like other Balkan nations also), the diaspora has consumed its people and children entirely and all that's left is the elderly and a very small minority of us trying to create some sort of prosperity among a sea of corruption, failed state economics and unemployment.

If you think this the right way forward based on a false reading of history and a fake ideal of what the Greek ethnos really is, then there's not really much we can agree on for sure.
And since you seem obsessed with flags,

this is what I consider my real national/ethnic flag:


but there's no such option on this board so I had to pick from what's available.

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