Hello everyone. I have just registered with this site having received my mtDNA results from Family Tree DNA. I am just beginning my journey and hope to learn lots about my haplogroup - U5b1c2b.
U5b (or U5b1) is specific to Saami (not U5a), correct? And that is also how they are connected to Berbers. I am having a mess with my DNA testing because I am only Scandinavian ancestry, with northern Swedes (who looked Saami), and I'm coming up with anything from bits of North Africa to Lithuania, Ukraine, and Komi Russia all over my admixtures. No. Uff. U5a is more common elsewhere in Scandinavia, like this map. This is U5a?
Good Day, Maciamo. I've been reading many of your brilliant posts and I'm really impressed with your knowledge. I'm in mtDNA Haplogroup U5. Thank you for all the work you put into sharing so much interesting information here.
U5a & U5b Saami question

U5b (or U5b1) is specific to Saami (not U5a), correct? And that is also how they are connected to Berbers. I am having a mess with my DNA testing because I am only Scandinavian ancestry, with northern Swedes (who looked Saami), and I'm coming up with anything from bits of North Africa to Lithuania, Ukraine, and Komi Russia all over my admixtures. No. Uff. U5a is more common elsewhere in Scandinavia, like this map. This is U5a?

Hello "Nerd". How are you? That is an interesting question. Some of the places you mention would correspond to other areas where such U5b1b1 mtDNA is now found likely due to migrations, marriages, etc. Additionally, I believe there are some Saami with U5a, as well as other people, (including some of those from Sweden), but that the U5b1b1 subclade is more specifically or more exclusive to the Saami? However, U5b1b1 subclade was also found to have made it to the Berbers and the Yakuts. I found something that can shed more light on what you are asking about in regards to these other places you mentioned, (besides Northern Sweden), which is the fascinating article called: "Haplogroup U5 mtDNA", by Maciamo Hay (2017), at:

There are also some U5a examples of Saami mtDNA from Saami Project: myDNA public results (though without personal names), these are results of Saami mtDNA Haplogroups and subclades, and some of them (on pages 4-5 ), do have U5a, so it is not unheard of. familytreedna.com/public/Saami?iframe=mtresults

Were you wondering if you have some Saami ancestry, although you are U5a? It is certainly still possible. Is your family aware of your family tree, and if so is there any mention of this? -- Or is your interest purely academic? Either way, I hope these links will help you in your research.

Kind Regards, Explorer
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Either this map is wrong or the author.

U5 As in the case of the hapl. U2, we again see strange contradictions. Judging by the map in Daghestan, only Avars have this hapl. U5 and also those Avars who live in Northern Azerbaijan. No Dargins as owners of allegedly hapl. U2, contrary to the author’s opinion, are not indicated on this map. It's all territory of Avars.And why, when they write about Darghins, they always appear on the Avar territory? Do they have their own land?
My stepfather belongs to U5a mtdna, he is Italian in maternal descent, most likely from southern Italy, as most of his Italian ancestors came from that part of the country and it is likely his matriline is from that part of the country. In comparison I (and my mother) are Irish origin J1c

There are also some U5a examples of Saami mtDNA from Saami Project: myDNA public results (though without personal names), these are results of Saami mtDNA Haplogroups and subclades, and some of them (on pages 4-5 ), do have U5a, so it is not unheard of. familytreedna.com/public/Saami?iframe=mtresults

Were you wondering if you have some Saami ancestry, although you are U5a? It is certainly still possible. Is your family aware of your family tree, and if so is there any mention of this? -- Or is your interest purely academic? Either way, I hope these links will help you in your research.


I recently got my mtDNA results. I primarily did the test because I was curious to find out if I have any Saami ancestry on my mother's side - she is from north-eastern Finland and all of us women in the family have something of a Saami look. I'm not aware of any family history that says anything like it, and I only know of my ancestry as far back as my great-great grandmother, thus 19th century.

While the test gives my haplogroup as U5b1b2a, the common Finnish one, and while I don't have the Saami motif, when I looked at the list in Explorer's link of the public Saami test results, there are some with U5b1b2a, out of which a few are almost identical to mine in terms of the HRV1 and HRV2 mutations, except I have one mutation missing in the HRV1 category. What does that mean in terms of shared ancestry?

I wonder if the Younger Dryas 11,600 kya to 12,800 kya specifically, has anything to do with the astonishing spread of U5b1b1.

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