Politics Far Left-Wing Americans want to dismantle statues

Double digit unemployment, 100,000+ Americans have perished, but an endless parade of bread and circus microaggressions by nobodies paraded in front of the media keeps the public fighting amongst themselves over relatively trivial matters

Katie Herzog

This woman was fired because the Washington Post decided an offensive Halloween costume (for which she was already humiliated) is national news. Way to speak truth to power.

A working class Mexican man gets fired from his job because a Twitter user took a photo of him cracking his knuckles and claimed he was making a white power gesture. The Twitter user deleted their account and said they didn't mean to get him fired, fwiw. https://nbcsandiego.com/news/local/sdge-worker-fired-over-alleged-racist-gesture-says-he-was-cracking-knuckles/2347414/

These people are barking mad...the American version of the Mao's Cultural Revolution. Today they're going after members of the universities and elite media. I'm telling you, tomorrow it will be everyone.

So should we start denouncing our neighbors? When will the purges begin? Read a history of the show trials in Russia in the 30s; all those "true believers" couldn't comprehend how they could be sitting in the dock, being "tried" by their fellow Communists and countrymen for bogus crap.

You vote for people affiliated with American far left ideology, who at all tolerate them, at your peril.

Its getting bad. Now you can be fired to even being associated with someone who has a opinion differing from the majority.

Trump isn't my first, second, third, fourth or fifth choice but I imagine it would only get worse if Biden was elected especially he has surrounded himself with people who aren't really moderates.
Excellent post Yetos... I did not know that. Also didn't realize the surprising cultural balance at that time.

This large scale destruction of statues is only the tip of the iceberg. Much more concerning is the monitoring of speech patterns, even to the granular level of pronouns. Insisting on the use of "zim" and "zer" for those who feel they are neither male nor female. This in no way fosters diversity. This is a shameless power grab.

Today's riots are not organic. How did pallet after pallet of brick get delivered to each hotspot the day before things went "live"? And this didn't happen in one city or one state-- suspicious pallets of bricks appeared everywhere. The planners didn't even bother to disguise their efforts by matching the brick color or shape to the surrounding architecture.

That being said, I'm not worried about the ability of the United States to handle this situation. Our Second Amendment was carved out by the framers for events like these. I'm not a gun-nut by any stretch, in fact I destroyed the firearm I purchased during the Great Recession (at one point I thought that we were facing society-wide food shortages because the economy was that bad) and I realized I didn't want to shoot someone looking for rice and beans for their family. This is different however.

The silent majority of Americans are now keenly observing developments, quietly studying recent trends... and organizing their defensive strategies. In other words, they are locked and loaded. Ready for whatever may come their way.

Even I have now altered my Second Amendment status. I pray I do not have to enforce my right to peacefully exist on this planet. But if this nonsense enters the threshhold of my home... it will be met with life altering force. And hastily so.

And as I've said before, I want justice for George Floyd. That man was killed needlessly and his murderer should be put behind bars for many years. No police officer should be able to act that way, and the we are going to have to make adjustments to make sure any abuse is ended quickly. But what we are seeing now is divorced from the original goal of justice. Tempers are being purposely inflamed, animosities are being exaggerated, violence is being fomented... all by a compliant corporate media.


what USA live today is a kind of Revanchisme of the poor consumers,

it is the reveange of the victims of the 'cold war era' and 'American Dream'

at cold war era, at East block they were speaking of previous poverty, bad nobles, power of people, they were searching for 'enemies of the people'
at W Europe they want to rebuild, so they took other roads
at USA they were 'buying Luxury'. but no new industry. they won with not an enemy boot step their land, and they had the tremendous nuc bomb. who would dare to mess with them.
so they provide the model of luxury,

note 1
You see USA had tremendous industry before WW2, but no markets, most belong to British empire etc etc
so they had an economical crash, riots etc etc,
and while Europe was rebuild under Kaynes economical model,
USA drop deeper to Chicago model,
Chicago model gradually de-industraliaze many parts of USA,
at the begin this is something looking good, since no possible economical crush, and bank and money keeps their power,
but at the end brings simple people to economical despair, since jobs etc etc,
and in a country that use to advertise the 'American dream' having no job is big depression,

note 2
all the above make culture movements, it is obvious in music,
but what was the stereotype? the smart and brilliant artist who uses drags and is a succeeded personality
from Andy Warhol, to today young superstar Justin somehow-whatever, can't remember his last name
from Merilyn Monroe to the Playboy manager Hugh Hefner etc etc
All these have effect on people,
so no matter Drugs are not allowed openly to masses,
even after 3 generations of prohibited usage, their consumtion raise and raise .

by completing the mosaic, we see many people in USA living in despair, not that much economical, but rather their personality despair.
the system slowly drives mad and they believe they are born loosers,
and then something happens, and suddenly they change and ask for reveange,
it is just like the lemmings in Siberia, when suddenly they get panic and run to the sea.
and coronavirus lockdown and jobfire help to this.

History had many such moments,
from ancient world especially Rome's plebeians,
and France and Revolution Francais,
not even a century passed from Spain's civil war.

When drags are prohibited, but for 3 generations they are advertised,
then the system sucks.
Jobless people gather wrath, till they explode.
This is a shameless power grab.
that's the point. Behind all the sweet little lies of justice and egalitarianism, the neurotic will to dominated others is the reason that leftists on power always established totalitarian dictatorships.
So do far rightists.

Beware the false prophets from either extreme. Are we really going to say Nazi Germany wasn't at least as bad, if not worse than Communist Russia?
Lest we not forget the Roman empire and it's treatment of slaves, genocide under Titus (famous arch of Titus showing the spoils of a pillaged city)and the treatment of Guals.
So do far rightists.

Beware the false prophets from either extreme. Are we really going to say Nazi Germany wasn't at least as bad, if not worse than Communist Russia?

I absolutely agree.
Lest we not forget the Roman empire and it's treatment of slaves, genocide under Titus (famous arch of Titus showing the spoils of a pillaged city)and the treatment of Guals.

The French sacked my mother's village in the 1500s, but I think it would be dumb for me to begrudge them for it today.
Its all ΧροFerens Colombo fault,
lets punish him,

Colombo di Terra Rumba seems was not a great seafarist and explorer, but a world criminal .....


what is next? to be destroyed by wrath?


why to punish for example Colombo
and not, always as example, Colin Powell?

why him?

and not him? (always a retorical question to bring food for thought.)

Can someone tell me?

note 1
with the same spirit,
all Moon, Mars, etc space expeditions are criminality,
and Neil Armstrong the first who step on moon is same degree quilty as Colombo

Question 1
Is it lack of education?
is it stupid propaganda against everything from old Europe (=mother of bad things in world?)
or it is a quided hate?
The French sacked your village, too? You want to know why there are so many German-Americans in the United States with roots from the Palatinate (such as myself and our President, among others)? The French burned down the Palatinate during the Thirty Years' War and in the War of the Palatine Succession in the 1600s. The area remained economically disadvantaged for years after that, forcing young Palatines like Friedrich Trump and Peter Seller (my great-great-great-grandfather in the male line) to emigrate to New York City and Chicago, respectively. The Pennsylvania Dutch (actually Deutsch) dialect is Palatine in origin; my father likes to visit the Pennsylvania Dutch country and was delighted to find out that their language is quite close to the one our ancestors spoke in the old country.
Columbus monument in Trenton, New Jersey covered after vandalism, some call for its removal

"The history of Christopher Columbus for so long has been wrong. It has been lies. It has been traumatizing to African Americans, Latinx, the black community," said Niambi McCoy … It's become a Latino quarter. So the question is whether that's still relevant for that area," said Gusciora.

If anything this era in American history has taught me is that violence and destruction is what makes a difference. Not rational discussion, or civility. The reason why politicians and police arrest otherwise law abiding citizens for trying to go to work during a lockdown, and not looters or protestors, is because they are afraid of the violence. They just go after who they can push around, and avoid anything too dicey. Not even the President of the United States can control the violence. I think this country is in decline, and there is no way it is coming back, unfortunately.

If anything this era in American history has taught me is that violence and destruction is what makes a difference. Not rational discussion, or civility. The reason why politicians and police arrest otherwise law abiding citizens for trying to go to work during a lockdown, and not looters or protestors, is because they are afraid of the violence. They just go after who they can push around, and avoid anything too dicey. Not even the President of the United States can control the violence. I think this country is in decline, and there is no way it is coming back, unfortunately.

I agree with you. Also I disagree "Far Left-Wing Americans" in the thread title. This is most left-wring Americans even self professed moderate democrats. Country is screwed imo and the changing demographics will do nothing but ensure left wing super majorities in congress, along with the presidency and packing the Supreme Court.
Can someone tell me?

note 1
with the same spirit,
all Moon, Mars, etc space expeditions are criminality,
and Neil Armstrong the first who step on moon is same degree quilty as Colombo

Question 1
Is it lack of education?
is it stupid propaganda against everything from old Europe (=mother of bad things in world?)
or it is a quided hate?

Why even use the language of Angles-Saxons, a patriarchal, barbarian warlike people<Germanic tribe not left wing tribe>, who invaded an island. Was not the English language used in the slave trade? Why not disavow communicating in English language at the same time, while destroying historical statues of English speaking males? Could it be you want to retain the barbarian language of the slave traders to write a new version of history to suit your own needs?
Why even use the language of Angles-Saxons, a patriarchal, barbarian warlike people<Germanic tribe not left wing tribe>, who invaded an island. Was not the English language used in the slave trade? Why not disavow communicating in English language at the same time, while destroying historical statues of English speaking males? Could it be you want to retain the barbarian language of the slave traders to write a new version of history to suit your own needs?

I mean by that logic they should also stop using computers and electricity too? All things invented by the white men they hate.
I mean by that logic they should also stop using computers and electricity too? All things invented by the white men they hate.
Good point.
I'm neutral, however history is interesting, ac current and early computer. Should they also not be used?
Like Tesla and eugenics and or Anglo-Saxon heritage and California Eugenics program, (progressive era 1890-1920).
As for computers, Edwin Black has done some interesting work.

If anything this era in American history has taught me is that violence and destruction is what makes a difference. Not rational discussion, or civility. The reason why politicians and police arrest otherwise law abiding citizens for trying to go to work during a lockdown, and not looters or protestors, is because they are afraid of the violence. They just go after who they can push around, and avoid anything too dicey. Not even the President of the United States can control the violence. I think this country is in decline, and there is no way it is coming back, unfortunately.

I came to the conclusion you came to about 20 years ago. The USA is the Roman Empire somewhere in 4th century AD, still economically strong, militarily strong, but internally bleeding and rotting. I just home I have checked out and met my Maker before it happens. Don't want to be here when it goes down. Alternatively, get Italian citizenship and when I retire, move my rear end to some mountain town in Sicily, which as of last summer when I was there still was still culturally intact.

In San Francisco, Grant's statue got torn down. On the other side of the country, a Statue of Robert E. Lee came down. Ironically, it was Grant who helped preserve the Union. But he did own some slaves, feed them before the War started. However, he was before he was President involved in the Wars against the Plains Indians. So that is a Sin I guess. On the other hand, he passed laws that prosecuted the KKK and appointed many religious minorities to Government positions and Blacks as well.

That is the problem with Marxist deconstructionist types, your better off arguing with a wall than those types. To go back judge Lincoln by today's standards is utter stupidity. I read also where a George Washington Statue was torn down. What we are seeing is Marxist anarchy and mob rule.
I came to the conclusion you came to about 20 years ago. The USA is the Roman Empire somewhere in 4th century AD, still economically strong, militarily strong, but internally bleeding and rotting. I just home I have checked out and met my Maker before it happens. Don't want to be here when it goes down. Alternatively, get Italian citizenship and when I retire, move my rear end to some mountain town in Sicily, which as of last summer when I was there still was still culturally intact.

In San Francisco, Grant's statue got torn down. On the other side of the country, a Statue of Robert E. Lee came down. Ironically, it was Grant who helped preserve the Union. But he did own some slaves, feed them before the War started. However, he was before he was President involved in the Wars against the Plains Indians. So that is a Sin I guess. On the other hand, he passed laws that prosecuted the KKK and appointed many religious minorities to Government positions and Blacks as well.

That is the problem with Marxist deconstructionist types, your better off arguing with a wall than those types. To go back judge Lincoln by today's standards is utter stupidity. I read also where a George Washington Statue was torn down. What we are seeing is Marxist anarchy and mob rule.

Don't have that defeatist attitude man. We should want to pass something great down to our children.
Bigsnake, I'm curious what you do (or what you did) for a living...may I ask? Maybe a school teacher or professor?

Totally unrelated topic... I've been watching some podcasts after work and I'm noticing a real difference between those that have been in lock down for a long time and those that have been working throughout the pandemic. I think some people that have been cut-off for too long are starting to exhibit symptoms similar to those of people forced into solitary confinement.

I'm glad I went back to my job when I did. Saw a family of four today at lunch at a Burrito shop and they were huddled together, staring at others like they were going to be accosted at any moment. The father was protecting the kids by extending his arms around them.

Kinda touching, kinda weird.
Baltimore protesters pulled down a statue of Christopher Columbus and threw it into the city's Inner Harbor on Saturday night...Statues of Columbus have also been toppled or vandalized in cities such as Miami; Richmond, Virginia; St. Paul, Minnesota; and Boston, where one was decapitated.


I wouldn't call these people "protestors", they are violent criminals that are destroying public property.
June 15th, almost two weeks to the day after large "protests" and riots, saw covid cases start shooting way up. In California, for example, hospitalizations are seeing a frightening increase.

Now there's a shocker; somebody thought it was a good idea to encourage people to huddle together, shouting and yelling behind flimsy surgical masks for hours.

Smart. All the leaders, including people like OC, said it was more important than social distancing. I wonder if these people will feel the same way after getting hospitalized for it.
June 15th, almost two weeks to the day after large "protests" and riots, saw covid cases start shooting way up. In California, for example, hospitalizations are seeing a frightening increase.

Now there's a shocker; somebody thought it was a good idea to encourage people to huddle together, shouting and yelling behind flimsy surgical masks for hours.

Smart. All the leaders, including people like OC, said it was more important than social distancing. I wonder if these people will feel the same way after getting hospitalized for it.

Its funny how liberals accused conservatives of "killing Grandma" and freaked out over a few (actually peaceful) small protests for people who wanted to go back to work but then turned around and encouraged mass protests. They've also said stupid things like if coronavirus cases rise blame racism , not the protests.

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