Country of your future.

That quiz is so amazingly US-biased. It feels like it was designed by someone who has never lived anywhere else! They can't even envisage that for some people Christmas has no significance at all and that religions don't matter for most Europeans and East Asians.

Anyway I got Japan, which isn't surprising since I have lived there because I had a strong attraction to this country. However it didn't turn out to be very liveable for me. Too muggy summers, too narrow-minded society... And now a strong intolerance to gluten that prevents me from eating out almost anywhere because there is gluten is soy sauce and the lack of gluten-free alternative like in many European countries.

I have spent at least a few months of my life in nine countries and visited over 50. All in all, I'd say I am happy with Belgium, and could easily live in places like southern England, Denmark, Switzerland, New Zealand, etc.

For the majority of people moving to another country is a purely theoretical question. From experience I can tell that what looks nice in theory may turn out quite differently in real life, because there are always factors that people fail to consider or just couldn't know until they live in the country, such as cultural compatibility.

France is great in theory, but there are quite a few things about French society, lifestyle and mindset that would put me off, although some regions are more compatible than others. I mean, come on! How could I live in a place where DNA tests are prohibited? However politically and economically things appear to be set to change for the better with Macron as president.

Then there is always the issue of the language. I have done my best to learn the language of every country where I have lived while I was there. But unless you are only planning to move as an expat for a few months or years, the affinity with the local language, your ability to learn it, and the idea of living everyday speaking that language for many years should be considered seriously. That's why I am not going to consider moving to Hungary, for instance. Some countries are more accommodating to English speakers than others, like Scandinavian countries where most people can speak reasonable English (although don't expect native levels).

It's very hard for me to imagine living in the US, except maybe more liberal and less religious enclaves like California, NYC and New England. But even so, I am not sure I'd like the climate, the fact that it is still a gun-based society where religion is omnipresent and where a lot of people have a very antagonistic attitude (lawsuits for anything). Then there is relatively little social protection, and US doesn't care much about protecting its citizens against harmful food additives and other chemicals compared to other developed countries. The EU has banned over 1000 chemicals deemed to be health hazards that are still legal in the US. It's not surprising that life expectancy is rising slower in the US than in OECD countries, and the gap between the US and other developed countries has been widening since the 1990's, especially for women (perhaps because of unregulated, toxic cosmetics). I frankly don't think that quality of life is better in the US than in Western Europe, except maybe for the 1% (not that the 1% in Europe is so much worse off than in America).
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How the heck did this happen?

HA! Canada

It would actually be fine, but it's just too damn cold.

Yet New York State shares a border with it! Do you think it's that much colder in Toronto than in NYC?
I got Beast lol. I don't know why, I guess its bc I was able to answer the brain teasers. Oh and I picked "crash into him from behind, it was his fault anyway" in response to the "what would you do to a driver who constantly blocks your way" question. So much for being the smartest, lol

I suppose this is your car .


... and for sure the driver looks like a squirell inside it... (it is the typical cars you have to stand on your feet to close the windows)

Once, you posted, for a greek girlfriend of your's... That make you a beast without doubt ! :rolleyes:

and a joke

"- why the cretans have big moustaches?"
"- they want to look like their mothers..." :embarassed:
Judging from your comments you're not only sour you sound extremely bitter for whatever reason and very paranoid. You just basically implied that Chinese men are rapists. And only communists are spies. Actually capitalism is taking more privacy and freedom away than communism ever did. Your freedom and rights depend on how much money you have and you can be spied on with your hi-tech gadgets now anytime. Also America just by itself has double or triple or who knows what amount more of spy and intelligence agencies than the Soviet Union or any communists ever did. But you don't care about that cuz you have that mentality of if the pen is red and I point that out to you, you will still for rest of your life claim that it's blue.
So I won't even waste my time and beat a dead horse.

Look, you are obviously taking offence of the first comment I made about communism. I never said ALL people in communist countries are bad.

It is true I do not like communism, and will never consider living in a country that has a communist past or is still a communist country.

Having said that I do have girlfriends from countries who either have a communist past or is still communist today.

I do not share the same mentality with countries with communist rulers where I have to adapt to their communist values while staying there.

With regards to China, I am not implying that Chinese men are rapist. However, due to severe insufficient women in mainland China, I will be subject to at least sexual harassment. This logic will apply to other countries where there are severe shortages of women such as India for example.

Even in France, or back in Australia I had encountered sexual harassment and none of these countries have severe shortage of women, I don't see why I will not get it in China.

I am not paranoid! My experiences were real and are real. In capitalist societies, we don’t forced women to take abortion. They spared the Chinese who have power in China and let them have their second child but this is the way they treat those who are weak.

Well, some animals were more equal than others after all.
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I'm sure you know there is reason or two mainland Chinese might be wary of Japan and Taiwan :rolleyes:

The Chinese are not wary of Taiwan or Japan. The mainlanders are doing all they can to contain Taiwan. With regards to japan, they are doing all they can to compete with Japan. They are very wary of the US or any other countries they are sending spies to.

My family is from a literature background. Our surname Liu 劉, is an aristocrat surname.

Today, none of my family still lives in Taiwan. Not so sure about the spy issues nowadays. I am too busy with my life. However, in the 1950s mainland China used to sent spies to Taiwan to contain the aristocrats. They wanted to erase literate people. Mao 毛 even thanked the Japanese for what they did, otherwise he would not have had the opportunity to become China's president, considering that he was from a peasant class.
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Yet New York State shares a border with it! Do you think it's that much colder in Toronto than in NYC?

There's absolutely no comparison. It's bone chillingly cold there, and incredibly snowy, all of that made worse by terrible winds. That bone chilling cold and enormous amounts of snow are funneled to some degree down the Mohawk Valley in upstate New York from Buffalo to somewhat east of Syracuse. It's called the "snow belt". The rest of upstate New York is no picnic either. Montreal, which I like a lot more may even be colder.

New York City (the five boroughs), coastal areas of Connecticut, and especially Long Island, are very different. It's the ocean effect, again, especially for Long Island, which is completely surrounded by water, connected to Manhattan only by bridges and tunnels.

The climate and the flora here is more similar to that of Virginia. That's why bushes like azaleas and rhododendrons flourish. The winters last from December through perhaps the middle of March. That's in comparison to the inland lake areas where it can start snowing in late October and it can last into April. Some years, it will snow only three or four times here, whereas in most of Canada, and indeed in parts of upstate New York and New England they're buried in it for weeks or months at a time.

That said, the U.S. is like a continent in comparison to countries in Europe. You can find any type of climate you fancy. The climate in California is spectacular. Some people also like the northwest, because the climate is very mild, but I wouldn't be able to tolerate the endless grey skies and rain. I also personally like parts of the southwest for climate, like Albuquerque and Santa Fe. If you like tropical there's also Florida. If you can manage two homes, it can't get much better than splitting your time between Florida and New York/Penn./New England. If you really have to choose as you get older, three to four months of living indoors in air-conditioning versus three to four months living indoors in the central heat is what you're really talking about.

Look, you are obviously taking offence of the first comment I made about communism. I never said ALL people in communist countries are bad.

It is true I do not like communism, and will never consider living in a country that has a communist past or is still a communist country.

Having said that I do have girlfriends from countries who either have a communist past or is still communist today.

I do not share the same mentality with countries with communist rulers where I have to adapt to their communist values while staying there.

With regards to China, I am not implying that Chinese men are rapist. However, due to severe insufficient women in mainland China, I will be subject to at least sexual harassment. This logic will apply to other countries where there are severe shortages of women such as India for example.

Even in France, or back in Australia I had encountered sexual harassment and none of these countries have severe shortage of women, I don't see why I will not get it in China.

I am not paranoid! My experiences were real and are real. In capitalist societies, we don’t forced women to take abortion. They spared the Chinese who have power in China and let them have their second child but this is the way they treat those who are weak.

Well, some animals were more equal than others after all.

Yeah? What are these "communist" values you're talking about you despise so much? If you don't like certain things about China that doesn't mean it has to do anything with communism itself. Communism is a socio-political idea and different people interpret it and practice or have practiced it in different ways. In my opinion none of them did it right, they were failed attempts. In my country of ex-Yugoslavia it was called socialism and there were many things about that system that people actually quite a lot of them think it was good and people did live better then than they do now. Not to mention the stability and peace between different religious ethnicities it was maintaining. And even in former Soviet Union over 50% of those populations think it was a bad thing that it collapsed. They're all wrong and you're right? You're so much smarter than them you know what's better for them? Don't make ignorant blanket statements about things you don't really understand.
What does the Chinese one child policy have to do with communism? That was a cultural thing. You're lumping way too many things together, it's very shortsighted and simplistic. Grow up the world is full of hypocrisy.

And no matter what your dumb excuse is what you said was rude and borderline racist. My reply to that was merely natural and logical, any country you criticize the way you do in an awfully ignorant generalizing way wouldn't welcome you to live there.And you apparently got triggered by that.

and you talk so much about China's demographic problems what about Japan? There's more and more lonely men in Japan and it's not because of a shortage of women and the demographics of that country look depressing within a few decades it's going to be a very old population.
Well Apsurdistan, it seems you still got feelings for Communism, and still think it may help mankind achieve a true Utopia .. then I invite you .. to join us !! the International Society for Robotic Socialism, our motto is "let the robots do the work", because when humans did it, I mean .. just look at north korea :(

If you joined, you will be the number two of the organization, because the movement is still young, as I'm speaking we are currently one member, but with your charismatic leadership, WE WILL PREVAIL !!

Our goal is to build a one world government, ruled by the gospel of Robotic Communism !!


well that was weird .. I felt I was possessed .. it must have been the ghost of Karl Marx !!
People from the countries of the former Soviet Bloc are living in a time warp, imo, about forty to fifty years behind the times or even more considering that some countries in that bloc were really not part of most of the currents of thought of the western world even before that.

They need to travel and experience the realities of the western world instead of relying on the filtered version of reality which is all they were exposed to for so many years.

Anyone who doesn't know that both communism and fascism are discredited scourges of humanity which belong on the scrap heap of history really doesn't have a clue.
Ah, the truth hurts, doesn't it Dinarid?

The ultimate proof of that truth is the a-scientific, illogical, and sometimes even delusional posts made by your compatriots on this forum.
Ah, the truth hurts, doesn't it Dinarid?

The ultimate proof of that truth is the a-scientific, illogical, and sometimes even delusional posts made by your compatriots on this forum.

No offense, but I think you posted this in the wrong thread :)
People from the eastern bloc have traveled and lived in the western world, including me and you don't realize how warped you are because you're indoctrinated to fear the very word of communism. As I said communism the way I interpret it is a system to reach human equality, true human equality and rights, and distribution of resources based on people's needs and collective harmony instead of greed and profit and pointless over consumption. If you think that idea is no longer relevant today then you really don't have a clue. I don't want a utopia I just think there's always room for improvement in society and by no means do I suggest a cult of personality dictatorship.
I don't want a robotic inhuman system on the contrary that's exactly what this system you call capitalism is turning the world into. If you don't see that you're in flat out denial.
And history is an ongoing process that continues to evolve and change, it's not the end of history as Fukuyama says. It can only be the end of mankind if things continue the way they're going. Either by total collapse and chaos or humans will no longer be human, they'll live in a virtual reality with robots or something it's hard to predict what kind of future could become of this it's too bizarre to even comprehend. Maybe like a hunger games type of society.

And again this propaganda of eastern bloc people are dumb and they're 50 or whatever years behind is utter nonsense. Trust me they're better educated than the average person in the west.

But I really don't care what you people wanna believe GOOD LUCK WITH ALL THAT! Time will tell who's right and who's "warped". Honestly this is why I avoid these time wasters and I really should do a better job of ignoring dumb ignorant comments.
People from the eastern bloc have traveled and lived in the western world, including me and you don't realize how warped you are because you're indoctrinated to fear the very word of communism. As I said communism the way I interpret it is a system to reach human equality, true human equality and rights, and distribution of resources based on people's needs and collective harmony instead of greed and profit and pointless over consumption. If you think that idea is no longer relevant today then you really don't have a clue. I don't want a utopia I just think there's always room for improvement in society and by no means do I suggest a cult of personality dictatorship.
I don't want a robotic inhuman system on the contrary that's exactly what this system you call capitalism is turning the world into. If you don't see that you're in flat out denial.
And history is an ongoing process that continues to evolve and change, it's not the end of history as Fukuyama says. It can only be the end of mankind if things continue the way they're going. Either by total collapse and chaos or humans will no longer be human, they'll live in a virtual reality with robots or something it's hard to predict what kind of future could become of this it's too bizarre to even comprehend. Maybe like a hunger games type of society.

And again this propaganda of eastern bloc people are dumb and they're 50 or whatever years behind is utter nonsense. Trust me they're better educated than the average person in the west.

But I really don't care what you people wanna believe GOOD LUCK WITH ALL THAT! Time will tell who's right and who's "warped". Honestly this is why I avoid these time wasters and I really should do a better job of ignoring dumb ignorant comments.

You really need to pick up some books about what life was like in Russia and Romania under Communism, to give only two examples. They killed more people than Hitler and the Nazis, and it was their own people. Economically, both countries were a disaster, their people living practically like people in the third world. Even when it wasn't killing its own people, Russia was always a third world country with first world weapons. Never heard the old saying about living under Communism, "they pretended to pay us and we pretended to work"? The only people who bought Russian products were those who couldn't get anything better.

People brave desert and river passages, hiding in containers, any danger you can imagine, dying in their thousands, just to get to the U.S., even if it means living here illegally for their whole lives. They even send their unaccompanied children to do it if there is no other way, hoping they won't just be driven back to the border. Tell me how many people ever tried to break into a Soviet Bloc country to live? Remember the Berlin Wall? I think the traffic was all going to the west. They freaking had to build a wall with explosives buried in the ground and snipers on the wall and in buildings as well to prevent people from leaving East Germany en masse.

It's time for people to understand they were sold a bunch of nonsense, and I say that as someone who had a lot of family members who fell for it too, and even gave their life to it. I applaud their determination and courage, but they were just wrong.

The communist ideal is wonderful, but it has never worked and will never work because it is contrary to human nature. Just look at Nicaragua right now, for goodness' sakes. How many abysmal failures do people have to see before they admit they were hoodwinked? It's like a religion, so you wind up feeling like you're talking to fundamentalist "Born Again" Christian. Logic, reason, nothing matters, because the "belief" is too ingrained.
Is there at least any new propaganda and original thoughts you can offer or you can just regurgitate outdated fearmongering?
Is there at least any new propaganda and original thoughts you can offer or you can just regurgitate outdated fearmongering?

That wasn't even a decent rejoinder, which is usually what happens when what has been posted is true and irrefutable. I posted facts, historical facts which can't be disputed. You know that, so your only option was basically just calling it propaganda. I don't know...can propaganda mean disseminating facts as well as lies? These were facts.

Who on earth would fear communism nowadays? It's a totally discredited system. People flee it, as you'd know if you knew any history. That history would also tell you that it always collapses of its own accord sooner or later, although untold suffering while it lasts is no laughing matter.

I think it's about time to return to what was supposed to be a rather light-hearted thread. Leave it to someone from the Balkans to ruin it with discourtesy and aggressiveness.
So she's discriminating any country that called itself communist and you're discriminating against the Balkan people. And I'm the one that's rude and aggressive.

No those are warped facts in your dogmatic head and as I said I really don't care to try to convince you or anybody of anything. You completely missed the point of everything I said anyway. Definition of insanity is trying to do the same thing over and over without any result. And don't say discriminating things anymore you hypocrite. Cuz you're a mod you can freely get away with it. Is that how the rules work in this place? No wonder this place is nearly empty and hardly active with users.
Speaking of that there are more interesting threads to focus my attention on.
Yeah? What are these "communist" values you're talking about you despise so much? If you don't like certain things about China that doesn't mean it has to do anything with communism itself. Communism is a socio-political idea and different people interpret it and practice or have practiced it in different ways. In my opinion none of them did it right, they were failed attempts. In my country of ex-Yugoslavia it was called socialism and there were many things about that system that people actually quite a lot of them think it was good and people did live better then than they do now. Not to mention the stability and peace between different religious ethnicities it was maintaining. And even in former Soviet Union over 50% of those populations think it was a bad thing that it collapsed. They're all wrong and you're right?

The difference between Mainland China, overseas Chinese, Taiwanese and people from Hong Kong is that they are communist. We are not.
Somebody we know told us that the mainland Chinese sold eggs to the Russians. The Russians came up with a rule that the eggs have to be a specific size otherwise they are not qualified. If the eggs don’t fit the criteria the Russians threw them away. Eggs can never be the exact same size.

The communists stick together. The Russians, the Mainland Chinese and the North Koreans are friends. So why are the communist countries not getting along with countries who are not communist? This is because we haven’t got the same mentality.

The Mainland Chinese are still complaining about Japan’s aggressive past. The Japanese raped China and Korea. Well, the Mainland Chinese raped the Taiwanese, did you know that?

You might think that the removal of the aristocrats in Eastern European countries brought people betters lives than before, hence communism is better, but that it your opinion.

You're so much smarter than them you know what's better for them? Don't make ignorant blanket statements about things you don't really understand. What does the Chinese one child policy have to do with communism? That was a cultural thing. You're lumping way too many things together, it's very shortsighted and simplistic. Grow up the world is full of hypocrisy.

It has everything to do with communism. Mao’s propaganda told the Mainland Chinese people that 人多好辦事 (The more people we have, the easier it is to accomplish things). Those who were subject to his propaganda really went carried away and Mainland China became over populated. It is still over populated today.

If that did not happen, would one child policy be implemented?

Do you see any one child policy implemented in Hong Kong, in Taiwan, in Malaysia in Singapore? Culture, you know nothing about Chinese culture! I am not lumping everything together. I admit there are differences between all those countries with a communist past because of culture. However, they are all friends and they stick together.

And no matter what your dumb excuse is what you said was rude and borderline racist. My reply to that was merely natural and logical, any country you criticize the way you do in an awfully ignorant generalizing way wouldn't welcome you to live there. And you apparently got triggered by that.

My dumb excuse? My ignorance? I can read and write in 3 languages academically, can you?

and you talk so much about China's demographic problems what about Japan? There's more and more lonely men in Japan and it's not because of a shortage of women and the demographics of that country look depressing within a few decades it's going to be a very old population.

You told me that I am generalising things because I know nothing. I think it is you who are generalising things. Just because Japanese and Chinese are both Far Easterners, it does not mean we are the same you know.

Japan has a lot of lonely men in their country is due to their culture and materialism. When they adopted Confucianism from our ancestors, they over interpreted it. A Japanese man who just graduated from University who cannot find a job will be labelled as one of the loosers. Then he will jump off the cliff. Japan has one of the highest rates of suicide in the world . More than 25 people a year have chosen the towering hills of Tōjinbō (東尋坊) as their final destination; for ending their lives.

There are some Japanese men who are at the bottom of the society bought cute life size dolls as companions. This is because they have been stimagtised by the Japanese society. They can't find women so they are replacing real women with dolls.

Men’ ego is very high in Japan due to culture reasons. A Japanese man who has been rejected by women can no longer have the courage to woo women. They spent their money on cute Japanese stars and other services provided in Japan to have contact with cute women.

So what are Japanese women doing these days, if only 1/3 of them are in relationship with their men? They are working hard towards their career and degree because the Japanese society has become extremely materialistic over the years.

After the Second World War, Japan was the only Asian nation who dominated the economic activities in Asia and the rest of the world. They got a lot of help from the US. Nowadays, they have competition from China, from South Korea etc, hence they have to work harder to compete with the neighbouring countries.

China on the other hand, thanks to one child policy is now experiencing a rise in bride price. In some cases they smuggle women from poorer Asian countries such as Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia etc. The men who are missing out are the poor ones.
Population: Population: 10.50 (m)
Somalia is currently a dangerous war zone. Fortunately, Somaliland is relatively safe. Hargeisa, its capital, is cosmopolitan with a rich cultural history. Coastal Zeila is an historic port that’s full of mosques and picturesquely distressed colonial buildings.10.50 (m)
Somalia is currently a dangerous war zone. Fortunately, Somaliland is relatively safe. Hargeisa, its capital, is cosmopolitan with a rich cultural history. Coastal Zeila is an historic port qthat’s full of mosques and picturesquely distressed colonial buildings.

Apparently I got Somalia, sounds like an interesting country to visit but I think I'll wait until the War in the Middle East is over and done with. :)


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