China, China, China!

Russian-China relations have never been better.
Yes, it is only the matter of realism, not the geopolitical reality and definitely not of long time trend. If you are on the side of selfishness and braking the rule of international law wherever possible, you easily find like minded partner. This is the reality of Russian - Chinese alliance.
beyond this topic and for a curiosity only - do you know the name of famous chinese personality son, who entered Prague with Wehrmacht in 1939?
China's Professional Censors:

They've been doing a good job all along, since the new recruits have to be taught what things happened in the past, of which they didn't have a clue, so they can scrub them from the internet.


"Li Chengzhi had a lot to learn when he first got a job as a professional censor.Like many young people in China, the 24-year-old recent college graduate knew little about the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown. He had never heard of China’s most famous dissident, Liu Xiaobo, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate who died in custody two years ago.
Now, after training, he knows what to look for — and what to block. He spends his hours scanning online content on behalf of Chinese media companies looking for anything that will provoke the government’s wrath. He knows how to spot code words that obliquely refer to Chinese leaders and scandals, or the memes that touch on subjects the Chinese government doesn’t want people to read about.
Mr. Li, who still has traces of youthful acne on his face, takes his job seriously. “It helps cleanse the online environment,” he said.
For Chinese companies, staying on the safe side of government censors is a matter of life and death. Adding to the burden, the authorities demand that companies censor themselves, spurring them to hire thousands of people to police content."

Twitter and Facebook should send people over to get better training. :)
for starters, the people’s liberation army has been openly threatening to intervene to shut down the protests against lam’s government. and in cases where pro-government “triad” thugs, most likely based on the mainland, have shown up to assail protesters, the police have been conveniently absent. as everyone in hong kong knows, these extrajudicial beatings had to have been sanctioned by xi’s government. more ominously, xi may have already decided that the time for “one country, two systems” has passed. china, he might argue, can no longer tolerate a functioning quasi-democracy within its territory, despite the agreement it accepted as a condition of hong kong’s return to chinese sovereignty in 1997.

Most of people in the world and even in mainland china don’t know how CCP tortures people and who they were;

At the height of the frenzy of China’s Cultural Revolution, victims were eaten at macabre “flesh banquets”, but 50 years after the turmoil began, the Communist Party is suppressing remembrance and historical reckoning of the era and its excesses.
Launched by Mao in 1966 to topple his political enemies after the failure of the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution saw a decade of violence and destruction nationwide as party-led class conflict devolved into social chaos.
Teenaged Red Guards beat teachers to death for being “counter-revolutionaries” and family members denounced one another while factions clashed bitterly for control across the country.
Scholars say the violence resulted from Wuxuan’s remote location, the ruthless regional Communist leader, poverty and bitter factionalism.
“In 10 years of catastrophe, Guangxi not only saw numerous deaths, they were also of appalling cruelty and viciousness,” the retired cadre wrote in an unpublished manuscript seen by AFP.
“There were beheadings, beatings, live burials, stonings, drownings, boilings, group slaughters, disembowellings, digging out hearts, livers, genitals, slicing off flesh, blowing up with dynamite, and more, with no method unused.”

at some high schools, students killed their principals in the school courtyard and then cooked and ate the bodies to celebrate a triumph over "counterrevolutionaries," the documents report. government-run cafeterias are said to have displayed bodies dangling on meat hooks and to have served human flesh to employees. "there are many varieties of cannibalism," declares one report, "and among them are these: killing someone and making a late dinner of it, slicing off the meat and having a big party, dividing up the flesh so each person takes a large chunk home to boil, roasting the liver and eating it for its medicinal properties, and so on."

History repeated again:
abstract records on human sacrifice have been revealed by the oracle-bone inscriptions of shang dynasty. human sacrifices carry special symbolic significance in shang dynasty for worshipping spirits. different methods of killing were used in worship rituals. as the inscription reveals, some words are used as the methods of killing of human beings in general. in the meantime, some special characters are used to refer to specific killing methods through analysis of the characters and structures of the language. the lecture will focus on
12 different methods of killing human sacrifice. the methods include beheading, splitting the body into halves, dismembering bodies, beating to death, chopping to death, extracting blood, burying alive, drowning, burning to death, boiling, corpse displaying, exposing body part to hot sun. with the analysis of the different methods of human sacrifice, it is easy to conclude that human sacrifice was a very common religious practice in shang dynasty. these practices reflect the cruelty of the rulers to their subjects and their piety towards the spirits they worship.
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The Communist Party of China would like the mainland Chinese population and the rest of the world to believe that the ongoing, sometimes violent protests in Hong Kong pose a threat of "terrorism." But the truth is that China has only itself to blame for pushing the city's idealistic youth into the streets once again.

Under the serious condition,

Trump is actively trying to break any country that refuses to bow to his demands. The American people are not so arrogant and intemperate, but some of Trump’s advisers surely are. National Security Adviser John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, for example, both epitomize a uniquely arrogant approach to the world, amplified by religious fundamentalism in the case of Pompeo.

Bolton visited London recently to encourage the United Kingdom’s new prime minister, Boris Johnson, in his determination to leave the European Union with or without a Brexit deal. Trump and Bolton don’t give a whit about the UK, but they ardently hope the EU fails. Any enemy of the Union – such as Johnson, Italy’s Matteo Salvini, and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán – is therefore a friend of Trump, Bolton, and Pompeo.
I just read that in Sweden they have started inserting a microchip in the hand to pay for things, open doors etc.

This isn't the first time I have thought they're quite mad!

Have they no concept that such a chip could be used by the government to keep track of everything they do?

It's beyond me. Was skepticism as well as aggression bred out of them because all their warrior types went abroad? Or is it because these tiny groups on the periphery of Europe were mostly left alone and not very often subject to attempts at control by any government, not even their own?

Yet, even countries like Italy and Germany, certainly no strangers to governments which tried to control them, are remarkably accepting of government control over virtually every aspect of their lives.

Why is it only in the Anglo countries that there is at least in some a healthy distrust of too strong governments and the invasion of privacy?

Both "1984" and "Brave New World" should be brought back to the schools. They should throw in a lot of Jefferson too: "The best government is the least government".

Fahrenheit 451 was taught in my class in Jr. High. Got accustomed to 1984 with Libertarian (gold) forums. Jefferson is one of my favorites.

The only bad thing China is doing is exporting facial recognition software to the US. That is scary, like 'enemy of the state' scary. Whoever is in charge can easily bump off enemies.

If you think China is bad... well think again...

There are many evil people in society, and if psycho-paths and social-paths get into places of influence, you want Libertarianism... not Totalitarianism.
Fahrenheit 451 was taught in my class in Jr. High. Got accustomed to 1984 with Libertarian (gold) forums. Jefferson is one of my favorites.

The only bad thing China is doing is exporting facial recognition software to the US. That is scary, like 'enemy of the state' scary. Whoever is in charge can easily bump off enemies.

If you think China is bad... well think again...

There are many evil people in society, and if psycho-paths and social-paths get into places of influence, you want Libertarianism... not Totalitarianism.

Very much agree. "The best government is the least government? Yes? :)
I'm supportive of Tibet, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, but it's not my place to say. Tibet prefers Indian culture, whilst Hong Kong and Macau would rather be Singapore. Only Taiwan isn't actually Tibeto-Burman, at least not out of choice, but due to functioning as the rump state of the Republic of China, despite the fact that they're the Austronesian Urheimat. Why shouldn't Taipei get back on track by assembling an insular confederacy that is inclusive of Madagascar, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, with interests in New Zealand, Hawaii and Easter Island? If there is a Chinese Civil War II, I would not be surprised.
Why shouldn't Taipei get back on track by assembling an insular confederacy that is inclusive of Madagascar, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, with interests in New Zealand, Hawaii and Easter Island?

Maybe because Taipei (and Taiwan) is dominated by non-Austronesian speaking people of Han Chinese origin who probably aren't interested in assembling a pan-Austronesian insular confederacy. Even if Taipei tried to do so, I doubt whether other Austronesian speaking countries would respond.

The Han Chinese tend to stereotype the Austronesian speaking indigenous minorities in Taiwan as musically talented and easy going, but lazy, much like the stereotyping of Polynesian minorities in places like New Zealand, Australia and Hawaii. So there's a problem of lack of respect.
Those lickspittle NBA players are lucky they reside in the USA!

The NBA is not likely to face a debilitating series of protests from U.S. fans who may be angered by the league’s agonizingly cautious and wavering responses to Morey’s tweet. But the extreme attention the story has garnered does weaken the NBA’s efforts to cast itself as a force for positive social change. Commissioner Adam Silver’s public declaration of his “personal outrage” over the racist comments made by former L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling in 2014, and his pushback against the passing of the controversial transgender bathroom law in North Carolina in 2016 seem inconsistent now with a league that remains silent about China’s many human rights abuses.
Hear, Hear!

"Razib [FONT=&quot]🥥 KhanVerified account @razibkhan Oct 6More


[FONT=&quot]from an American perspective, i think we need to spend a lot of time thinking about China if we want to be more than blind consumers.a lot of the culture war rage seems totally pointless parochial masturbation.the American unipolar moment is over."
"The Chinese customer is always right" opinion piece by Razib Khan.

With over 1 billion potential customers, they can treat their people as they like and the west will say nothing.

" Around the year 2000 many Americans had a view of the 21st-century where prosperity would transform the rest of the world into cultural clones of America. This would have resulted in universal particularisms and sensitivities. That is, the ascendency of post-modern thinking, and the rise of subjectivism would have been constrained by a common cultural framework directed and shaped by American and European elites. What is “problematic” here would be “problematic” there.That has not happened. "

"But particular cultural understandings of what is right and proper have come to the foreground with more muscular robustness as the Enlightenment ideal of a universal shared reality fades."

Economic liberalization has not led to political liberalization in China or to the Enlightenment ideals, more's the pity. Whether it's genetics or culture, their ideals are not our ideals, and may never be, and that doesn't bode well for anyone who is or comes under their political control.

"The Chinese customer is always right" opinion piece by Razib Khan.

With over 1 billion potential customers, they can treat their people as they like and the west will say nothing.

" Around the year 2000 many Americans had a view of the 21st-century where prosperity would transform the rest of the world into cultural clones of America. This would have resulted in universal particularisms and sensitivities. That is, the ascendency of post-modern thinking, and the rise of subjectivism would have been constrained by a common cultural framework directed and shaped by American and European elites. What is “problematic” here would be “problematic” there.That has not happened. "

"But particular cultural understandings of what is right and proper have come to the foreground with more muscular robustness as the Enlightenment ideal of a universal shared reality fades."

Economic liberalization has not led to political liberalization in China or to the Enlightenment ideals, more's the pity. Whether it's genetics or culture, their ideals are not our ideals, and may never be, and that doesn't bode well for anyone who is or comes under their political control.

This is so sad, as it means that between the choice "truth" or "profits", more people are choosing "profits"
Moreover, for small nations like my homeland (less than 3 mln) it means that we have absolutely nothing against large consumer communities/countries in case of a conflict of interests.
This is so sad, as it means that between the choice "truth" or "profits", more people are choosing "profits"
Moreover, for small nations like my homeland (less than 3 mln) it means that we have absolutely nothing against large consumer communities/countries in case of a conflict of interests.

Thats a reason why the EU is so important and needs to strengthen.
Hear, Hear!

"Razib ������ KhanVerified account @razibkhan Oct 6More

from an American perspective, i think we need to spend a lot of time thinking about China if we want to be more than blind consumers.a lot of the culture war rage seems totally pointless parochial masturbation.the American unipolar moment is over."

I bet in the future, when they look back on this time period, they will consider it to be similar to another Cold War. China is indeed the USA's greatest rival, that is creating another bi-polar world. The more and more, we relinquish our uni-polarity as the most powerful state; the sooner we will create a bi-polar/multi-polar world, that ultimately results in world war. The "American Century" of the 1900s has facilitated relatively more peace than previous times. That era is coming to an end.

Me and Razib share the same sentiments on American Unipolarity.

I wonder if China has a hand in subverting the United States, culturally. They are still a communist country, and perhaps they are inflaming the culture war. Perhaps that is why so many of our corporations and institutions who are servile to them, for profit, are pushing destructive attitudes. Which weaken our strength, and empower the Chinese communist government.
I think what most Americans in large towns don't realize, is how Chinese products have destroyed small town America. Our industry is gone, our mom and pop stores are gone, all because the markets are flooded with cheap goods in the big box stores like WalMart.
Absolutely right. Even the town of 80,000 or so where we settled in America is now a ghost town of boarded up windows which is filling up with people on welfare moving in from New York because the rents are low.

What China and the big box stores didn't accomplish Amazon will...
What has been revealed about what is happening to Muslims in Chinese detainment camps, and what we can see for ourselves about what is happening in Hong Kong should be an object lesson.

This is what China would have in store for any country it dominates or conquers.

Meanwhile, America tears itself apart with b.s. and who is "woke" enough. I could vomit.

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