Health Anti-vaxxer movement strongest in France

Neither did I and I've never caught anything. Nevertheless, ever since the pandemic started I've been washing my hands more often, especially when I come back in the house or before I eat anything and I have not even caught a dose of flu or the common cold.
In he beginning I was the first one to wear a mask at my workplace out of 500+/-(many new immigrants) without the company mandating , I remember getting some pretty strange look's. I thought it would be good practice in a severe pandemic to have some protection since I'm in maintenance and frequently had to fix and deal with washroom and sanitary waste bins issues. Then we had a few months off. When we came back we had to do a self assessment and have a guard questionnaire, as well as have a guard take our body temperature every time we entered the building; we also had thermal image screening upon building entry, as well as wearing mask and goggles.In the past 2 plus years I've had no problem ( no high fever, no cough). My wife on the other hand works in medicine, and was mandated to take mRNA shots, I can tell you that after 3, there are days when she is in alot of arthritis pain, something she never had before. I'm actually for pro vaccines, like tetanus for example, since I'm prone to stitches. I was waiting to see the status and effectiveness and compare the various types of vaccines since I'm a fussy shopper I like quality. The weird thing is it is very hard to find a very detailed (how many vaccines what type etc....)updated daily status hospital and ICU figures. Now I read that quadruple vacinated are taking tablet's on top of 4 shot's to keep them out of ICU.
In he beginning I was the first one to wear a mask at my workplace out of 500+/-(many new immigrants) without the company mandating , I remember getting some pretty strange look's. I thought it would be good practice in a severe pandemic to have some protection since I'm in maintenance and frequently had to fix and deal with washroom and sanitary waste bins issues. Then we had a few months off. When we came back we had to do a self assessment and have a guard questionnaire, as well as have a guard take our body temperature every time we entered the building; we also had thermal image screening upon building entry, as well as wearing mask and goggles.In the past 2 plus years I've had no problem ( no high fever, no cough). My wife on the other hand works in medicine, and was mandated to take mRNA shots, I can tell you that after 3, there are days when she is in alot of arthritis pain, something she never had before. I'm actually for pro vaccines, like tetanus for example, since I'm prone to stitches. I was waiting to see the status and effectiveness and compare the various types of vaccines since I'm a fussy shopper I like quality. The weird thing is it is very hard to find a very detailed (how many vaccines what type etc....)updated daily status hospital and ICU figures. Now I read that quadruple vacinated are taking tablet's on top of 4 shot's to keep them out of ICU.

People seem to forget that the human body has its built in mechanism for dealing with viruses - the immune system.

IMO too much reliance on vaccinations is like a body builder or athlete depending on steriods. i.e. not good for you.
People seem to forget that the human body has its built in mechanism for dealing with viruses - the immune system.
IMO too much reliance on vaccinations is like a body builder or athlete depending on steriods. i.e. not good for you.
I'm no doctor, and I'm not against vaccines. We have a similar idea. People who were at high risk with complications and high BMI for example, IMO should be offered the vaccine of there choosing(I'm for pro choice-my body my choice-despite all rhetoric at the beginning of 90 effective in stopping transmission) However giving 4 or 5 shots and eating some more special tablets, seems a little it's sad in Canada they threw so many millions of doses in the garbage, meanwhile in other parts of the world people don't have clean water, or a meal, or even one covid dose. Such a waste for the environment and planet IMO.
I'm no doctor, and I'm not against vaccines. We have a similar idea. People who were at high risk with complications and high BMI for example, IMO should be offered the vaccine of there choosing(I'm for pro choice-my body my choice-despite all rhetoric at the beginning of 90 effective in stopping transmission) However giving 4 or 5 shots and eating some more special tablets, seems a little it's sad in Canada they threw so many millions of doses in the garbage, meanwhile in other parts of the world people don't have clean water, or a meal, or even one covid dose. Such a waste for the environment and planet IMO.

I feel sorry for the Canadian people, due to them having a fascist president such as Trudeau.
I feel sorry for the Canadian people, due to them having a fascist president such as Trudeau.
Justin and Jagmeet are a new style. I like the old style days(like when you bought groceries and a young person had a job putting them into a large paper bag-not self serve plastic bag that ends up in a land fill-- that costs 5cents+tax), compare times like Stephen Harper and Jean Chretien.[FONT=Manrope, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
Good news for mRNA vaccine free Navy Seals. Good news for mRNA vaccine free children 5 and under in UK. Good news for mRNA vaccine free people 50 and under in Denmark.
Has anyone else noticed, more and more single, double, triple, jabbed vaxxers that are turning full conspiracy theorists. They don't want to continue with the recommended pandemic prevention with Bivalent subscription number 4/5 jabbs saying they have had enough. Some are even bringing up cases of SADS and people dying in their sleep. And non of the ones I ask, want the vaccine for Monkeypox.
Does anyone know why people are still wearing masks, even when they are fully vaccinated with latest boosters?
Does anyone know why people are still wearing masks, even when they are fully vaccinated with latest boosters?

The only people I know who still wear them, not a scientific sample at all, are people taking chemotherapy who are therefore immune compromised.
Some interesting videos about Covid19 vaccines.
What Percent Of CDC Employees Are Vaccinated?

Maddow: If You've Been Putting Off Vaccination, The Time To Do It Is Now.

Pfizer Director...

Pfizer issue a press statement

What's up with vaxies wanting to inject the common food supply with mRNA?

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