
  1. Maciamo

    Society Year of introduction of electronic ID cards in Europe

    Some 70 countries worldwide now use eID cards. Belgium and Finland were the first countries to introduce them in 2003, followed by Sweden (2005), the Netherlands (2006) and Spain (2006). In 2007, Estonia became the first country to allow electronic voting for parliamentary elections. Nowadays...
  2. Anfänger

    Palaeogenomics of Upper Palaeolithic to Neolithic European hunter-gatherers

    Palaeogenomics of Upper Palaeolithic to Neolithic European hunter-gatherers Abstract Modern humans have populated Europe for more than 45,000 years1,2. Our knowledge of the genetic relatedness and structure of ancient hunter-gatherers is however limited, owing to the scarceness and poor...
  3. Maciamo

    Crime index from 250 European cities (Numbeo)

    Numbeo is a well-known website to compare stats on quality of life, cost of living, property prices, and also the feeling of safety or insecurity of respondents all over the world. You'll find a list of the main European cities by crime index here. I was not satisfied with only 150 cities, so I...
  4. Maciamo

    Crime Crime maps of Europe

    I have made a series of map using the data from Numbeo as of late 2022. The maps do not show the actual crime rate, but the fear of crimes being committed. So this reflects the sense of insecurity of the population, which is as important as the actual crime rates. The advantage of Numbeo is...
  5. Maciamo

    Health Cancer maps of Europe

    I have made maps showing the death rate from various types of cancer in and around Europe. Some types of cancer are clearly linked to the lifestyle. Lung cancer rates do not only depend on the percentage of smokers, but also on air quality. As you can see here, the Balkans have the worst...
  6. Maciamo

    Health Maps of alcohol consumption per capita in Europe

    I have expanded the Food & Drink Maps section. I made a map of overall alcohol consumption per capita with the 2010 data from the WHO. At that time Slavic people drank the most. I made a new map with data from 2016 and the trend changed somewhat. Many Slavic countries reduced their...
  7. Maciamo

    Society Maps of prevalent negative emotions by country in and around Europe

    When comparing countries and cultures, few people think of the fact that the frequency of basic emotions can vary widely depending on the society where one lives. Using Gallup's State of the Global Workplace: 2022 Report I created maps showing the percentage of respondents that felt anger...
  8. Maciamo

    Economy New economic maps of Europe

    I have been working on a lot of new maps for the Economic & Wealth Maps page of this site. There are now over 50 maps, with more coming soon. The one that took me the longest to make is the GDP per capita at Purchasing Power Standard (PPS) by NUTS2 region. What is interesting here is how...
  9. A

    G25 Post your G25 heatmap

    If you have G25 coordinates, you can use this program to generate your European heatmap. Here is one generated using a Romanian's coordinates: Thanks to Jerome Hamon for inspiring me to write this program after seeing their Taux de Similitude. And just for France, here is another one...
  10. Maciamo

    Crime Map of firearms per 100 people in Europe and gun ownership rates in the U.S.

    I have made two new maps. The first one represents the total number of civilian firearms in a country divided by the population. It is not the same as the gun ownership rate (second map), as some individuals own more than one gun. In the USA there are over 120 firearms for 100 people, by the...
  11. Maciamo

    Most stressful countries to dive in Europe

    The French Vinci Motorways Foundation for responsible driving ("Fondation VINCI Autoroutes pour une conduite responsable") published its annual study (for the 12th year) on the most and least stressed drivers in Europe (based on of survey of 11 countries). Belgians came on top as the most...
  12. M

    Is R0 from Europe and HV from the Middle East

    Looking at ancient samples in MTree I saw that haplogroup R0(basal to HV) only appears in Scottland and Egypt. The funny thing is that on the other hand we don't see HV in Europe until the German Neolithic, but we see them for the first time in Tell Halula(Syria) and Ganj Dareh(Iran)...
  13. Maciamo

    Best and worst Kings of France

    I have just written a new article attempting to answer the question: Who were the best and worst Kings and regent Queens of France in history? As usual your feedback is welcome.
  14. EV13SON

    Last Golden Era 50s or 60s?

    Which of these two decade checks off more of what you would consider a Golden Era for the West? I consider the 70s and onwards as a definite decline in western culture but struggle between those two...
  15. T

    Politics PM Imran Khan slams EU envoys.

    Taking exception to the letter written by European Union envoys in Pakistan, asking Islamabad to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Prime Minister Imran Khan, while slamming the regional bloc, asked where the same countries were when New Delhi broke international law in Kashmir. “EU...
  16. EV13SON

    Europe's Last Hunter Gatherers? Pitted Ware Culture

    Credit goes to Dan Davis just sharing his video, found some of the information interesting...
  17. Maciamo

    Economy Buying a property in Europe: compare the taxes and fees by country

    What do you need to know before buying a house or an apartment in Europe, either as a residence or as an investment? The purchasing process and the taxes and fees pertaining to it vary a lot between countries. In countries like Belgium, France and Italy, it is compulsory to pass through a public...
  18. Maciamo

    Society New maps of American fast food chains per capita in Europe

    I have made four new maps showing the number of American fast food chains per capita in each European country and compared to the United States, India, China and Japan. McDonald's are the most popular in Northern and Western Europe, except in Iceland where the chain withdrew completely from...
  19. M

    Basques & H Haplogroup

    I want to bring yet again the topic of Basque particularism. This is by no means a new topic, it is well known in a good chunk of fields like historiography, linguistics... Lets start with Basques being linguistically isolated with the rest of Europe. Speaking a language that doesn't come...
  20. Maciamo

    List of cheeses invented over 300 years ago

    I recently finished reading Alberto Angela's I tre giorni di Pompei (The [last] three days of Pompeii), in which he mentions that mozzarella didn't exist at the time, but was invented in the 5th century, at the end of the Roman empire. Wikipedia disagrees and says that the earliest buffalo milk...