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Y-DNA haplogroup
mtDNA haplogroup
Well I just got my MTDNA result and its U5b1b1-T16192C!. Does anyone know where it originated and with what group of people they are associated with. Is it the Saamis?

I'm new to MTDNA so what is HVR1 and HVR2?

FTDNA results say that my MTDNA's HVR1, HVR2 and Coding Region under Ancestral Origins as having 2 hits in England. How can I interrupt the result? 2 English people and I have a similar distant ancestor correct?

I have a blog about mtDNA where you can find lots of info about yours and other haplogroups: mtDNA Atlas

The only way to determine if someone has U5b1b1 is to do expensive high coverage mtDNA testing. Such testing hasn't been done on many populations in the world therefore not much is known about the world wide frequency of U5b1b1 or really anything about it. Not much is known about most haplogroups.

The best place to look for info about U5b1b1 is FTDNA's U5 page.

The only concrete info I can give you is your U5b1b1 is ultimately from Mesolithic Europe(west of Russia). The oldest example of U5b1b(not U5b1b1) is from Mesolithic France.
France 8205yo: U5b1b.

There are eight other examples of U5b1 from Mesolithic/Late Paleolithic Germany, France, Luxembourg, and Switzerland.
Germany 14,020 ± 150 BP: U5b1*
Germany 13,430 ± 140 BP: U5b1*
Switzerland 13700yo: U5b1h
France 11820yo: U5b1*
France 10084yo: U5b1*
Germany 8173yo: U5b1d1
Germany 8292yo: U5b1d1
France 7244yo: U5b1a
Luxembourg 8220yo: U5b1a

U5b in it of itself was the primary mtDNA haplogroup of Mesolithic Europe(xRussia and maybe other parts). It could have taken up as much as 80% of European mtDNA. These U5b rich Mesolithic people are known as "WHG". Their Y DNA was mostly I2, with some C1, some R1b1, and maybe other haplogroups. Today most parts of Europe have about 3-6% U5b. WHG ancestry varies a lot by region and is probably about 10-15% in you.
Thanks for responding Fire Haired! I appreciate the help.
Our small DNA haplogroup is not very common, as we make up only about 2-3% of the European population. What I've learned over the years is that we need to separate our DNA thinking from our geopolitical thinking. In other words, a haplogroup is not defined by any political boundary, such as a country, but a particular country may contain people with many unrelated haplogroups. DNA is really the study of our prehistoric ancestors, where they lived and where they migrated leaving some of their DNA behind. Perhaps the leading theory is that our ancestors first emerged in the Ural Mountain region of Western Russia about 7,000 years ago. With the approaching Ice Age, some or all of them migrated southward, through the Levant and into the Iberian Peninsula, where they hunkered down during the Ice Age. As the glaciers began to retreat, our ancestors split into two main groups. One group migrated into North Africa and were the forefathers with the Berber people of today. The other group migrated all over Europe and, a small group, migrated into Scandinavia and Finland. They were the ancestors of the Sami people, who are European in origin. Some Sami also have a slight Eurasian admixture. The eight Sami languages are in the Uralic family of languages and are closest to Finnish and Estonian, and more distantly related to Hungarian. HOWEVER...while some forms of our haplogroup are found at highest levels among the Sami, that doesn't mean that you descend from the Sami people. Our haplogroup is found all over Europe (Ireland, Britain, Germany, Poland, Sweden, France, etc.), North Africa (Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt and into central Africa). In DNA matching, I've found genetic cousins in all those areas. My maternal ancestors lived in Ireland. Good luck with your learning and enjoy the journey!
Berbers and Saami share U5b1, and an ancient migratory connection as Palatine noted.I come up with many matches to U5b on GEDmatch and assume U5b1 because My Heritage put me at primarily Scandinavian (true) and a little north African (no). My Grandma's family came from northern Sweden and they were quite dark (relative to general Swedish population). My DNA tests are a mess because they seem to nail the Scandinavian portion then any figure I'm Russian, Lithuanian, Belarusian, Hungarian, North African. If they do not have a Saami population for their test group or their admixtures, you just get whatever is close. But I think this is the problem, when I understand from the perspective of SNPs/haplogroups and my family's real history. I don't believe many sites or companies have a Saami population for comparison. Anyway, this might show up in Scandinavian heritage, especially if further north Norway or Sweden (or northern Finland). I do not know about the Berber connections but obviously North Africa, and possibly there is U5b1 in Europe by way of the Balkans perhaps (but I'd assume low... I just don't know; strongest link is Berber and Saami).
I am U5b1b1-T16192C! I am English. Living DNA state the European percentage distribution of U5b1b1 is approx -

Saami 40%Finland 7%
Mordovia 3%
Bashkir 2%
Lithuania 2%
Slovenia 2%
Norway 2%
Russia 1%
Chuvashia 1%
Sweden 1%
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1%

So looks like quite rare is western europe. And no mention of my homeland, England.
I am U5b1b1-T16192C as well, and my maternal line is from western Ukraine. The spread of U5b1b1 is very strange to me. Its wide range across Europe and North Africa is interesting.
I am U5b1b1-T16192C as well, and my maternal line is from western Ukraine. The spread of U5b1b1 is very strange to me. Its wide range across Europe and North Africa is interesting.

I agree. I read somewhere that there was a "bottleneck" with the spread of U5 in Europe, I think due to a large expansion of other haplogroups into Europe during a specific period. I'll have to try to find that text. Still, for there seemingly being such low percentages of U5b1b1 in larger western countries does surprise me. I am fairly new to the subject, so excuse my ignorance.

My FTDNA results for full sequesce matches shows only six '1-step' matches, and 0 'exact' matches in the whole of the continent. Interesting, for me anyway, is a single '1-step' match on the Algeria coast. This person has an Algerian name and states her known 'recent' ancestry back to early 1700's as being entirely Algerian. I know that means nothing much, but is interesting to me.

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