Genetic study The Genetic History of the South Caucasus from the Bronze to the Early Middle Ages: 5000 years of genetic continuity despite high mobility


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Y-DNA haplogroup
I2-M223 / I-FTB15368
mtDNA haplogroup

Archaeological and archaeogenetic studies have highlighted the pivotal role of the Caucasus region throughout prehistory, serving as a central hub for cultural, technological, and linguistic innovations. However, despite its dynamic history, the critical area between the Greater and Lesser Caucasus mountain ranges, mainly corresponding to modern-day Georgia, has received limited attention. Here, we generated an ancient DNA time transect consisting of 219 individuals with genome-wide data from 47 sites in this region, supplemented by 97 new radiocarbon dates. Spanning from the Early Bronze Age 5000 years ago to the so-called "Migration Period" that followed the fall of the Western Roman Empire, we document a largely persisting local gene pool that continuously assimilated migrants from Anatolia/Levant and the populations of the adjacent Eurasian steppe. More specifically, we observe these admixture events as early as the Middle Bronze Age. Starting with Late Antiquity (late first century AD), we also detect an increasing number of individuals with more southern ancestry, more frequently associated with urban centers - landmarks of the early Christianization in eastern Georgia. Finally, in the Early Medieval Period starting 400 AD, we observe genetic outlier individuals with ancestry from the Central Eurasian steppe, with artificial cranial deformations (ACD) in several cases. At the same time, we reveal that many individuals with ACD descended from native South Caucasus groups, indicating that the local population likely adopted this cultural practice.
Comparison of Y-chromosome and mtDNA haplogroup distribution in early periods (Early Bronze Age to Iron Age II) and late periods (Early Antique to Early Middle Ages) of the time transect.

Haplogroups Detail
IDGenetic_SexArchaeological/Historical PeriodY_HaplogroupMT_Haplogroup
TSV006XXYLate Bronze Ageunable to callK1a12a
MUK001MEarly Middle Agescan't callI
I1317MEarly Middle AgesE1b1b1a1a1(xE1b1b1a1a1b)H15b
SMT017MEarly Middle AgesE1b1b1a1b1a14~J1b1b1
I1318MEarly Middle AgesE1b1b1b2(xE1b1b1b2b)J1b
I1320MEarly Middle AgesE1b1b1b2(xE1b1b1b2b)T2a
I1323MEarly Middle AgesE1b1b1b2(xE1b1b1b2b)U3a
DZN014MLate AntiqueG1a2H
DZN006MEarly Middle AgesG1a2H2
DZN001MLate AntiqueG1a2T2h
DZN008MEarly Middle AgesG1a2a1a~H13a1a2b
SMT007MEarly Middle AgesG2
NBG005MIron Age IIG2a1a1aI1b
VRS008MEarly AntiqueG2a1a1aK1a+150
TSV008MLate Bronze AgeG2a1a1aT1a1+@152
TCH008MLate AntiqueG2a1a1aU3a
VRS003MEarly AntiqueG2a1a1a1aR1a1
AGV001MLate AntiqueG2a1a1a1a1a1a1a [FGC750]H13c2
IGT003MEarly AntiqueG2a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a2aU3c
KHT001MEarly Middle AgesG2a1a1a3R1a
KLD013MLate AntiqueG2a2a1aX2f1
RTV001MLate Antique-Early Middle AgesG2a2bD4e1
DZN005MLate AntiqueG2a2b1a1a2~T2g1a
KIM002MLate AntiqueG2a2b1a1b1aN1a2
ATK001MMiddle Bronze AgeG2a2b2aH13a2b2
ATK005MMiddle Bronze AgeG2a2b2aT2a3
ATK006MMiddle Bronze AgeG2a2b2aU2d
ATK004MMiddle Bronze AgeG2a2b2a1a1a1bU2d
ATK003MMiddle Bronze AgeG2a2b2a1a1a1b2T2h
KHT002MEarly Middle AgesG2a2b2a1a1a1b2a~HV1a1
KHT003MEarly Middle AgesG2a2b2a1a1a1b2a~N1b1a3
BBD001MHigh Middle AgesH2a1~U1a1a1
TSV002MLate Bronze AgeI2a2H2b
AHI001MEarly Iron AgeI2a2bJ1b3b
SKH002MEarly AntiqueI2a2bK1a
TSV005MLate Bronze AgeI2a2bK1a17
TSV001MLate Bronze AgeI2a2bT2
NDZ003MLate Antique-Early Middle AgesI2a2bT2+16189
TSV015MLate Bronze AgeI2a2bU3b
KMR021MEarly AntiqueI2a2b
KMR015MEarly AntiqueI2a2b~H2a1e
TSG002MMiddle Bronze AgeI2a2b~U2e1b
KTR001MEarly Iron AgeI2a2b~U5a1b1
TRL005MLate Bronze AgeI2a2b~U5b2a1a+16311
TSV009MLate Bronze AgeI2a2b~U8b1a1
TSG001MMiddle Bronze AgeI2a2b~W3a1
KMR014MEarly AntiqueI2a2b~W5a
SAP011MLate Bronze AgeI2a2b1H15b
TRL002MLate Bronze AgeI2a2b1U3b
NDZ002MEarly Middle AgesI2a2b1W1+119
I1325MEarly Middle AgesJ1U2e1a1
KLD006MLate AntiqueJ1a2a1a2d2b~R1a
TRB006MEarly Bronze AgeJ1a2b~H13a1a1
KIM003MLate AntiqueJ1a2b~T2
TRB011MEarly Bronze AgeJ1a2b~W3b
KLD008MLate AntiqueJ1a2b1b~H14a
TRB010MEarly Bronze AgeJ1a2b1b2~H13a1a2
AVR002MMiddle Bronze AgeJ1a2b1b2~U4b3
KIM001MLate AntiqueJ1a2b1b2c1~I1c1a
KMR013MEarly AntiqueJ2aH+152
AGV002MLate AntiqueJ2aH13a1a2
VRS005MEarly AntiqueJ2aU3b
FQR006MEarly Middle AgesJ2a1H14a
TSV007MLate Bronze AgeJ2a1K1b1
BZT001MEarly Iron AgeJ2a1aT1a5
OTA002MMiddle Bronze AgeJ2a1aH2a2a1
SVL006MEarly Middle AgesJ2a1a1a2U3b1
VRS006MEarly AntiqueJ2a1a1a2W6b
I0119MLate Antique-Early Middle AgesJ2a1a1a2(xJ2a1a1a2b)HV
I1331MLate AntiqueJ2a1a1a2(xJ2a1a1a2b)T2g
KHT006MEarly Middle AgesJ2a1a1a2aT2l
VRS004MEarly AntiqueJ2a1a1a2b2H13a1d
IAF001MEarly Middle AgesJ2a1a1a2b2H27+16093
NDZ009MLate Antique-Early Middle AgesJ2a1a1a2b2W1+119
BZT002MEarly Iron AgeJ2a1a1a2b2aH
KMR026MEarly AntiqueJ2a1a1a2b2aI1c1a
NDZ006MLate Antique-Early Middle AgesJ2a1a1a2b2aW6c1
I1332MLate Antique-Early Middle AgesJ2a1a1a2b2a(xJ2a1a1a2b2a1)HV1a'b'c
SVL007MEarly Middle AgesJ2a1a1a2b2a1a1a3b2~W
SMT003MLate Antique-Early Middle AgesJ2a1a1a2b2a3b1 (Z7675)K1a12a
FQR002MEarly Middle AgesJ2a1a1a2b2a3b1b3 [Y3619]U7
TSV018-I1326MEarly Middele AgesJ2a1a1b3U3a2a
MGV001MLate Antiquen/aH
TSH004MHigh Middle Agesn/aH14a
TSV019MLate Antique-Early Middle Agesn/aT2b
KMR011MEarly Antiquen/aU4a1e
KLD010MLate AntiqueQ2a1aN1b1a
KLD007MLate AntiqueQ2a1a2U1a1c1
SVL015MLate Antique-Early Middle AgesR1a1a~H
SMT004MLate AntiqueR1a1a1W6c
MKV001MEarly Middle AgesR1a1a1b~X2
SMT025MEarly Middle AgesR1a1a1b1a2b3a3a1a~H5
KLD012MLate AntiqueR1a1a1b2~W
KMR027MEarly AntiqueR1a1a1b2a2~HV1a1
KLD011MLate AntiqueR1a1a1b2a2a1X2i
DZN002MLate AntiqueR1a1a1b2a2a1d7~U3b3
AVR001MMiddle Bronze AgeR1b1a1bH2
DDN005MLate Bronze AgeR1b1a1bH29
SAP004MLate Bronze AgeR1b1a1bH87
NRK001-TSV003MLate Bronze Age_unresolved_originR1b1a1bR1a1b
SMT019MEarly Middle AgesR1b1a1bT2a1b
DDN002MLate Bronze-Early Iron AgeR1b1a1bU3b
KHS001MLate AntiqueR1b1a1b1b [Z2105]H13a1a2
TCH004MLate AntiqueR1b1a1b1b[M12149]H28
IAF004MEarly Middle AgesR1b1a1b1b1[L584]H
DDN006MLate Bronze-Early Iron AgeR1b1a1b1b1[l584]I5c
KMR005MEarly AntiqueR1b1a1b1b1[L584]R1a1b
TSV014MLate Bronze AgeR1b1a1b1b1[L584]U1a
DZN011MEarly Middle AgesR1b1a1b1b3a1a1[CTS9219]X2d
SMT018MEarly Middle AgesR2a2b1H20a2
MRA001MLate Bronze AgeT1a1aT2h
I1321MLate AntiqueT1a1aT2i1
KMR003MEarly AntiqueT1a1a1b2a2 [Y3781]J2a2a1+16311
SMT024MEarly Middle AgesT1a1a1b2bT2a3
SMT023MEarly Middle AgesT1a1a1b2b1aU2e1a1
DDN001MLate Bronze-Early Iron AgeH5a
geo015_tvMEarly Bronze AgeK1a
gur017_tvMLate Bronze AgeN1a1a1a
I1316FEarly Middle Ages..H
I1322FLate Antique-Early Middle Ages..HV6
I1328FLate Antique..K1a4f
I1319FEarly Middle Ages..n/a (<2x)
I1329FEarly Middle Ages..R1a1
MGV005FLate Antiquen/aH2a2a1
SGV001FMiddle Bronze Agen/aW
KLD015FLate AntiqueN/AW
SMT021FEarly Middle AgesA1a
SMT013FLate AntiqueD4e1a2
KIM004FLate AntiqueH
KMR001-NOK002FIron Age IIH+152
SMT005FEarly AntiqueH+152
SMT009FLate AntiqueH+152
SMT010-SMT011FLate AntiqueH+152
TRL004FEarly Iron AgeH+16129
SMT030FEarly Middle AgesH10d
NDZ004FEarly Middle AgesH13a1a2
NDZ007FLate Antique-Early Middle AgesH13a1a2
TRB003-TRB014FEarly Bronze AgeH13a1a2
SMT012FLate AntiqueH1e5b
VNI001FEarly-High Middle AgesH20a2
TSV013FLate Bronze AgeH2a
SVL005FLate Antique-Early Middle AgesH2b
DZN012FEarly Middle AgesH4a
FQR007FEarly Middle AgesH87
DZN010FEarly Middle AgesHV14
KMR006FLate Bronze AgeHV1a1
NBG002FIron Age IIHV1a1
SKH005FEarly AntiqueHV1a1a
SVL011FEarly Middle AgesHV1a1a
DZN003FLate AntiqueHV1b3b
TRB009FEarly Bronze AgeHV2a
IAF002FEarly AntiqueI1b
KLD009FLate AntiqueI2
SMT008FLate Antique-Early Middle AgesI2
NSK006FLate AntiqueI6
DDN011FLate Bronze-Early Iron AgeJ1b4a
RTV002FLate Bronze AgeJ1c
SAP007FLate Bronze AgeJ2b1h
TKA001FMiddle Bronze AgeK1a
SMT022FEarly Middle AgesK1a19
SMT032FEarly Middle AgesK1a19a
DDN012FLate Bronze-Early Iron AgeK1a4a
BLK001FLate Antique-Early Middle AgesN1a1b1
SMT020FEarly Middle AgesN1b1a
TRB013FEarly Bronze AgeR0a1a
TSV011FLate Bronze AgeR1a
DZN007FLate AntiqueT1
SMT031FEarly Middle AgesT1
SMT027FEarly Middle AgesT1a
KMR012FEarly AntiqueT1a1
KMR024FEarly AntiqueT1a1
FQR004FEarly Middle AgesT1a2
KLD003FLate AntiqueT1b4
MVI002FEarly Middle AgesT1b4
TRL006FLate Bronze AgeT2
DDN009FLate Bronze-Early Iron AgeT2+16189
SKH009FEarly AntiqueT2a2
SVL008FEarly Middle AgesT2a3
OGR001FMiddle Bronze AgeT2a3
KLD002FEarly Middle AgesT2b25
SVL009FEarly Middle AgesT2b4e
KKT002FEarly Bronze AgeT2c1a
TEL001FEarly Iron AgeT2d2
TSH006FHigh Middle AgesT2i
TRL001FEarly Iron AgeU1a1a
SVL013FEarly Middle AgesU1a1a1a
NDZ005FLate Antique-Early Middle AgesU1a1a3
TCH005FLate AntiqueU1a1c1
IAF003FHigh Middle AgesU1b2
NBG001FIron Age IIU3a3
DZN004FLate Antique-Early Middle AgesU3b
SVL012FEarly Middle AgesU3b
SKH014FEarly AntiqueU5a1a1
KLD016FLate AntiqueU5a1a2a
TSV004FLate Bronze AgeU5a1b1a
TSH007FIron Age IIU5a1f
SVL016FEarly Middle AgesU8b1a1
SMT033FEarly Middle AgesW
TRL003FLate Bronze AgeW3b
VRS002FEarly AntiqueW6b
NDZ001FLate Antique-Early Middle AgesX2e2
SVL001FEarly Middle AgesX2e2a2
DDN010FLate Bronze-Early Iron AgeX2i+@225
KMR016FIron Age II
SMT006FLate Antique
Sample SMT017 falls within an exclusively British cluster which is interesting.
Sample SMT017 falls within an exclusively British cluster which is interesting.

Yes, he has the same subclade as the aDNA sample from Croatia, remember this post:

Now we got the same haplogroup:
I5724 382-206 calBCE (2235±20 BP, PSUAMS-3094) HRV_IA Sv. Križ Brdovečki Croatia E-Y16721 E1b1b1a1b1a14~

Its a pretty old and isolated E-V13 branch, which is, usually, typical for early splinter groups, potentially Urnfield or Thraco-Cimmerian in origin.
That's an interesting amount of I2a.
thanks Tautalus for sharing this (y)
nice so I1318 , I1320 , I1323 fall under e-z830
from shida kartli

that is very basic
lets hope to see what will be there downstream branch after bam files will be out
there is a modern day downstream branch of e-m84 which is found in imereti close geographically to shida kartli from
where all those 3 remains came from


those 3 remains can fall on other the successful downstreams e-m84>pf6751 or e-m84>y5435
There really are a lot of i2a, but it seems that is a branch that is common in this area, especially in Armenia.


Some I2a2b1 (I-Z26403) data in FTDNA :
I2a2b1 frequency

I2a2b1 ancient connections

I2a2b1 ancestral path
Under the older ISOGG versions, this was a subclade of I2c (L596)


it's ancestor I-Y16419 probably has it's origins in Central Anatolia and later dispersed in eastern Anatolia


The analysis of Early Neolithic genomes from Anatolia by Mathieson et al. (2015) shows that I2c (L596) was already present in north-western Turkey 8,500 years ago, and had been assimilated by the Neolithic farmers on their way from the Fertile Crescent to Europe. Various ancient DNA studies conducted between 2014 and 2016 revealed that all Mesolithic European lineages became absorbed by the wave of Neolithic farmers. Yet I2a stood out as the most common among them, amounting to 16% of the 69 Neolithic Y-DNA samples tested. That places it as the second most common paternal lineage after G2a, the original lineage lineage of Anatolian farmers. I2a1 seems to have particularly prospered in the Starčevo–Kőrös–Criş culture (6000-4500 BCE) in Southeast Europe, where it is still one of the main male lineages today. I2a1 also appeared in the Printed-Cardium Pottery culture (5000-1500 BCE) in the western Mediterranean. The modern Sardinians and Basques inherited the biggest share of their genome from those Neolithic farmers from the Printed-Cardium Pottery culture.

The Central Anatolian and EEF branches of I-Y16419 became extinct.

In Europe, 2 branches of I-L596 (the former I2c) survive :

I-Y16419, probably via the Caucasus and the Pontic steppe
I-S6635, probably of mesolithic Scandinavian origin

Last edited:
Comparison of Y-chromosome and mtDNA haplogroup distribution in early periods (Early Bronze Age to Iron Age II) and late periods (Early Antique to Early Middle Ages) of the time transect.

Haplogroups Detail
IDGenetic_SexArchaeological/Historical PeriodY_HaplogroupMT_Haplogroup
TSV006XXYLate Bronze Ageunable to callK1a12a
MUK001MEarly Middle Agescan't callI
I1317MEarly Middle AgesE1b1b1a1a1(xE1b1b1a1a1b)H15b
SMT017MEarly Middle AgesE1b1b1a1b1a14~J1b1b1
I1318MEarly Middle AgesE1b1b1b2(xE1b1b1b2b)J1b
I1320MEarly Middle AgesE1b1b1b2(xE1b1b1b2b)T2a
I1323MEarly Middle AgesE1b1b1b2(xE1b1b1b2b)U3a
DZN014MLate AntiqueG1a2H
DZN006MEarly Middle AgesG1a2H2
DZN001MLate AntiqueG1a2T2h
DZN008MEarly Middle AgesG1a2a1a~H13a1a2b
SMT007MEarly Middle AgesG2
NBG005MIron Age IIG2a1a1aI1b
VRS008MEarly AntiqueG2a1a1aK1a+150
TSV008MLate Bronze AgeG2a1a1aT1a1+@152
TCH008MLate AntiqueG2a1a1aU3a
VRS003MEarly AntiqueG2a1a1a1aR1a1
AGV001MLate AntiqueG2a1a1a1a1a1a1a [FGC750]H13c2
IGT003MEarly AntiqueG2a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a2aU3c
KHT001MEarly Middle AgesG2a1a1a3R1a
KLD013MLate AntiqueG2a2a1aX2f1
RTV001MLate Antique-Early Middle AgesG2a2bD4e1
DZN005MLate AntiqueG2a2b1a1a2~T2g1a
KIM002MLate AntiqueG2a2b1a1b1aN1a2
ATK001MMiddle Bronze AgeG2a2b2aH13a2b2
ATK005MMiddle Bronze AgeG2a2b2aT2a3
ATK006MMiddle Bronze AgeG2a2b2aU2d
ATK004MMiddle Bronze AgeG2a2b2a1a1a1bU2d
ATK003MMiddle Bronze AgeG2a2b2a1a1a1b2T2h
KHT002MEarly Middle AgesG2a2b2a1a1a1b2a~HV1a1
KHT003MEarly Middle AgesG2a2b2a1a1a1b2a~N1b1a3
BBD001MHigh Middle AgesH2a1~U1a1a1
TSV002MLate Bronze AgeI2a2H2b
AHI001MEarly Iron AgeI2a2bJ1b3b
SKH002MEarly AntiqueI2a2bK1a
TSV005MLate Bronze AgeI2a2bK1a17
TSV001MLate Bronze AgeI2a2bT2
NDZ003MLate Antique-Early Middle AgesI2a2bT2+16189
TSV015MLate Bronze AgeI2a2bU3b
KMR021MEarly AntiqueI2a2b
KMR015MEarly AntiqueI2a2b~H2a1e
TSG002MMiddle Bronze AgeI2a2b~U2e1b
KTR001MEarly Iron AgeI2a2b~U5a1b1
TRL005MLate Bronze AgeI2a2b~U5b2a1a+16311
TSV009MLate Bronze AgeI2a2b~U8b1a1
TSG001MMiddle Bronze AgeI2a2b~W3a1
KMR014MEarly AntiqueI2a2b~W5a
SAP011MLate Bronze AgeI2a2b1H15b
TRL002MLate Bronze AgeI2a2b1U3b
NDZ002MEarly Middle AgesI2a2b1W1+119
I1325MEarly Middle AgesJ1U2e1a1
KLD006MLate AntiqueJ1a2a1a2d2b~R1a
TRB006MEarly Bronze AgeJ1a2b~H13a1a1
KIM003MLate AntiqueJ1a2b~T2
TRB011MEarly Bronze AgeJ1a2b~W3b
KLD008MLate AntiqueJ1a2b1b~H14a
TRB010MEarly Bronze AgeJ1a2b1b2~H13a1a2
AVR002MMiddle Bronze AgeJ1a2b1b2~U4b3
KIM001MLate AntiqueJ1a2b1b2c1~I1c1a
KMR013MEarly AntiqueJ2aH+152
AGV002MLate AntiqueJ2aH13a1a2
VRS005MEarly AntiqueJ2aU3b
FQR006MEarly Middle AgesJ2a1H14a
TSV007MLate Bronze AgeJ2a1K1b1
BZT001MEarly Iron AgeJ2a1aT1a5
OTA002MMiddle Bronze AgeJ2a1aH2a2a1
SVL006MEarly Middle AgesJ2a1a1a2U3b1
VRS006MEarly AntiqueJ2a1a1a2W6b
I0119MLate Antique-Early Middle AgesJ2a1a1a2(xJ2a1a1a2b)HV
I1331MLate AntiqueJ2a1a1a2(xJ2a1a1a2b)T2g
KHT006MEarly Middle AgesJ2a1a1a2aT2l
VRS004MEarly AntiqueJ2a1a1a2b2H13a1d
IAF001MEarly Middle AgesJ2a1a1a2b2H27+16093
NDZ009MLate Antique-Early Middle AgesJ2a1a1a2b2W1+119
BZT002MEarly Iron AgeJ2a1a1a2b2aH
KMR026MEarly AntiqueJ2a1a1a2b2aI1c1a
NDZ006MLate Antique-Early Middle AgesJ2a1a1a2b2aW6c1
I1332MLate Antique-Early Middle AgesJ2a1a1a2b2a(xJ2a1a1a2b2a1)HV1a'b'c
SVL007MEarly Middle AgesJ2a1a1a2b2a1a1a3b2~W
SMT003MLate Antique-Early Middle AgesJ2a1a1a2b2a3b1 (Z7675)K1a12a
FQR002MEarly Middle AgesJ2a1a1a2b2a3b1b3 [Y3619]U7
TSV018-I1326MEarly Middele AgesJ2a1a1b3U3a2a
MGV001MLate Antiquen/aH
TSH004MHigh Middle Agesn/aH14a
TSV019MLate Antique-Early Middle Agesn/aT2b
KMR011MEarly Antiquen/aU4a1e
KLD010MLate AntiqueQ2a1aN1b1a
KLD007MLate AntiqueQ2a1a2U1a1c1
SVL015MLate Antique-Early Middle AgesR1a1a~H
SMT004MLate AntiqueR1a1a1W6c
MKV001MEarly Middle AgesR1a1a1b~X2
SMT025MEarly Middle AgesR1a1a1b1a2b3a3a1a~H5
KLD012MLate AntiqueR1a1a1b2~W
KMR027MEarly AntiqueR1a1a1b2a2~HV1a1
KLD011MLate AntiqueR1a1a1b2a2a1X2i
DZN002MLate AntiqueR1a1a1b2a2a1d7~U3b3
AVR001MMiddle Bronze AgeR1b1a1bH2
DDN005MLate Bronze AgeR1b1a1bH29
SAP004MLate Bronze AgeR1b1a1bH87
NRK001-TSV003MLate Bronze Age_unresolved_originR1b1a1bR1a1b
SMT019MEarly Middle AgesR1b1a1bT2a1b
DDN002MLate Bronze-Early Iron AgeR1b1a1bU3b
KHS001MLate AntiqueR1b1a1b1b [Z2105]H13a1a2
TCH004MLate AntiqueR1b1a1b1b[M12149]H28
IAF004MEarly Middle AgesR1b1a1b1b1[L584]H
DDN006MLate Bronze-Early Iron AgeR1b1a1b1b1[l584]I5c
KMR005MEarly AntiqueR1b1a1b1b1[L584]R1a1b
TSV014MLate Bronze AgeR1b1a1b1b1[L584]U1a
DZN011MEarly Middle AgesR1b1a1b1b3a1a1[CTS9219]X2d
SMT018MEarly Middle AgesR2a2b1H20a2
MRA001MLate Bronze AgeT1a1aT2h
I1321MLate AntiqueT1a1aT2i1
KMR003MEarly AntiqueT1a1a1b2a2 [Y3781]J2a2a1+16311
SMT024MEarly Middle AgesT1a1a1b2bT2a3
SMT023MEarly Middle AgesT1a1a1b2b1aU2e1a1
DDN001MLate Bronze-Early Iron AgeH5a
geo015_tvMEarly Bronze AgeK1a
gur017_tvMLate Bronze AgeN1a1a1a
I1316FEarly Middle Ages..H
I1322FLate Antique-Early Middle Ages..HV6
I1328FLate Antique..K1a4f
I1319FEarly Middle Ages..n/a (<2x)
I1329FEarly Middle Ages..R1a1
MGV005FLate Antiquen/aH2a2a1
SGV001FMiddle Bronze Agen/aW
KLD015FLate AntiqueN/AW
SMT021FEarly Middle AgesA1a
SMT013FLate AntiqueD4e1a2
KIM004FLate AntiqueH
KMR001-NOK002FIron Age IIH+152
SMT005FEarly AntiqueH+152
SMT009FLate AntiqueH+152
SMT010-SMT011FLate AntiqueH+152
TRL004FEarly Iron AgeH+16129
SMT030FEarly Middle AgesH10d
NDZ004FEarly Middle AgesH13a1a2
NDZ007FLate Antique-Early Middle AgesH13a1a2
TRB003-TRB014FEarly Bronze AgeH13a1a2
SMT012FLate AntiqueH1e5b
VNI001FEarly-High Middle AgesH20a2
TSV013FLate Bronze AgeH2a
SVL005FLate Antique-Early Middle AgesH2b
DZN012FEarly Middle AgesH4a
FQR007FEarly Middle AgesH87
DZN010FEarly Middle AgesHV14
KMR006FLate Bronze AgeHV1a1
NBG002FIron Age IIHV1a1
SKH005FEarly AntiqueHV1a1a
SVL011FEarly Middle AgesHV1a1a
DZN003FLate AntiqueHV1b3b
TRB009FEarly Bronze AgeHV2a
IAF002FEarly AntiqueI1b
KLD009FLate AntiqueI2
SMT008FLate Antique-Early Middle AgesI2
NSK006FLate AntiqueI6
DDN011FLate Bronze-Early Iron AgeJ1b4a
RTV002FLate Bronze AgeJ1c
SAP007FLate Bronze AgeJ2b1h
TKA001FMiddle Bronze AgeK1a
SMT022FEarly Middle AgesK1a19
SMT032FEarly Middle AgesK1a19a
DDN012FLate Bronze-Early Iron AgeK1a4a
BLK001FLate Antique-Early Middle AgesN1a1b1
SMT020FEarly Middle AgesN1b1a
TRB013FEarly Bronze AgeR0a1a
TSV011FLate Bronze AgeR1a
DZN007FLate AntiqueT1
SMT031FEarly Middle AgesT1
SMT027FEarly Middle AgesT1a
KMR012FEarly AntiqueT1a1
KMR024FEarly AntiqueT1a1
FQR004FEarly Middle AgesT1a2
KLD003FLate AntiqueT1b4
MVI002FEarly Middle AgesT1b4
TRL006FLate Bronze AgeT2
DDN009FLate Bronze-Early Iron AgeT2+16189
SKH009FEarly AntiqueT2a2
SVL008FEarly Middle AgesT2a3
OGR001FMiddle Bronze AgeT2a3
KLD002FEarly Middle AgesT2b25
SVL009FEarly Middle AgesT2b4e
KKT002FEarly Bronze AgeT2c1a
TEL001FEarly Iron AgeT2d2
TSH006FHigh Middle AgesT2i
TRL001FEarly Iron AgeU1a1a
SVL013FEarly Middle AgesU1a1a1a
NDZ005FLate Antique-Early Middle AgesU1a1a3
TCH005FLate AntiqueU1a1c1
IAF003FHigh Middle AgesU1b2
NBG001FIron Age IIU3a3
DZN004FLate Antique-Early Middle AgesU3b
SVL012FEarly Middle AgesU3b
SKH014FEarly AntiqueU5a1a1
KLD016FLate AntiqueU5a1a2a
TSV004FLate Bronze AgeU5a1b1a
TSH007FIron Age IIU5a1f
SVL016FEarly Middle AgesU8b1a1
SMT033FEarly Middle AgesW
TRL003FLate Bronze AgeW3b
VRS002FEarly AntiqueW6b
NDZ001FLate Antique-Early Middle AgesX2e2
SVL001FEarly Middle AgesX2e2a2
DDN010FLate Bronze-Early Iron AgeX2i+@225
KMR016FIron Age II
SMT006FLate Antique
If I'm not mistaken, isn't R1a1a1b2a2a1d7 R-L1029?

If so, what was the historical/genetic makeup of this sample?

Even R1a1a1b2a2a1 another late antiquity sample should at least be M458.

These are samples DZN002 and KLD011
If I'm not mistaken, isn't R1a1a1b2a2a1d7 R-L1029?

If so, what was the historical/genetic makeup of this sample?

Even R1a1a1b2a2a1 another late antiquity sample should at least be M458.

These are samples DZN002 and KLD011
R-L1029 is R1a1a1b1a1a1c1 (ISOGG Version: 15.73).

R1a1a1b2a2a1d7 is R-YP451, descendant of R-Y934, descendant of R-Z2123, of the R-Z93 Indo-Iranian branch.


R-Z93 branch in Eupedia

R-YP451 in FTDNA

I-Y16419 is not related to Anatolian I2a2a. They have more than 14.000 years of common ancestor. And the I2a2b story in south Caucasus is related to steppe migrations that introduced both the Z2103 and the I2a2b
Some 4400 years ago. The oldest I2a2b was found in Traleti Vanadzor burial in ancient Armenia, 3900 year old.
Here a review how Iberians (Kartvelians) replaced those steppe derived (R1b, I2a2b) people after the 800BC which fits well with the split of Georgian and Zan languages.


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