Optmist or Pessimist ?


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I once read a definition of optimists and pessimists that went.."An optimist smells flowers and immediately looks round for the garden. A pessimist smells flowers and looks for the wreath" ! So are you a garden or a wreath type of person? I hope I`m a "garden" person. :)
Based on that definition I would definitely be an optimist. However I would consider myself an optimist rooted and grounded in reality.
I focus on the bad stuff in life over the good. That's why I'm a true pessimist. I always see things in a bad way. There is nothing more depressing than pessimistic thinking.
I think I'm both and it depends on the day and my mood, which changes all the time.
I once read a definition of optimists and pessimists that went.."An optimist smells flowers and immediately looks round for the garden. A pessimist smells flowers and looks for the wreath" ! So are you a garden or a wreath type of person? I hope I`m a "garden" person. :)

Pessimist sees dark tunnel ahead. Optimist sees light at the end of tunnel. Realist sees incoming train

It depends sometimes an optimist and sometimes a pessimist. If i think about something that bothers me i tend to be a pessimist.

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