Mexican E-M35*


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Y-DNA haplogroup
The FamilyTreeDNA discover tree shows a third new branch under E-M35 which I believe is a Mexican sample judging from the classic tree. I believe it is new since I did not notice it before. I am surprised there has not been a FTDNA blog post about this, since it is very unique. Could this be related to the Turkmen Jawjzan sample mentioned in the E-M35 Wikipedia page as being E-M35*?
Strangely enough the sample does not show up anymore on familytreedna's discovery page. Does anyone know what the explanation for this is, was it an error?
Strangely enough the sample does not show up anymore on familytreedna's discovery page. Does anyone know what the explanation for this is, was it an error?
Probably he got a more downstream assignment.
Probably he got a more downstream assignment.
It's unusual because at first family tree showed it as a separate third branch even saying the descendents of E-M35 are E-V68, E-Z827, and 1 unnamed lineage. I thought that before including these in the discovery tree they would ensure a full big y analysis.

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