Economy How Brexit has f*cked the British economy


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The UK is now one of the slowest growing economy in Europe and suffers from the highest inflation. Its labour productivity growth is now the lowest after Greece and Italy, after being one of the highest in the early 2000's. But that's not all, far from it. TLDR summarised it well in this video.

The UK is now one of the slowest growing economy in Europe and suffers from the highest inflation. Its labour productivity growth is now the lowest after Greece and Italy, after being one of the highest in the early 2000's. But that's not all, far from it. TLDR summarised it well in this video.

Indeed they were promised a bright future with the Brexit, now it turns out that the 'splendid isolation' is not so splendid after all.....
This as nothing to do with Brexit, it's being over all bad policies over a number of years starting well before Brexit.

And yes Brexit as had a detrimental effect on trade as regulations are far to complicated and have become more costly, (importing plants for example ) blame the cival servants for that as they are the ones who wrote the new regulations.
Here is another review of the effect of Brexit on the British economy.

Independence has its costs. For a good couple of years these costs will be felt by the British, but I think they think it will be worth it (and I personally think so too). Today the British have total independence to manage their economy, with their own currency, their own central bank, their own exchange rate policy, a robust financial system, their own policy of wok, employment and borders, your own immigration policies and, of course, far way from the pasteurized tutelage German-style, imposed by Brussels and by figures like Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen. For example, it’s not far away the time when Brussels and this lady putted doubts about the quality and efficiency of the vaccines against COVID produced by AstraZeneca, and which were already being widely used in the United Kingdom, Brazil and India, at a time when that plague took lives around the planet, in a vain attempt (thank goodness) for the English company to prioritize the European Union. Among the many threats were, for a change and not by chance, commercial ones. Leyen showed the British and the world the true face of the EU. The British have a thriving culture and history to watch over and they cannot shrug as just one more a satellite state in the EU of Leyen.
An example of a Brexiteer politician complaining about the effects of Brexit. Utterly bad-faithed.

Independence has its costs. For a good couple of years these costs will be felt by the British, but I think they think it will be worth it (and I personally think so too). Today the British have total independence to manage their economy, with their own currency, their own central bank, their own exchange rate policy, a robust financial system, their own policy of wok, employment and borders, your own immigration policies and, of course, far way from the pasteurized tutelage German-style, imposed by Brussels and by figures like Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen. For example, it’s not far away the time when Brussels and this lady putted doubts about the quality and efficiency of the vaccines against COVID produced by AstraZeneca, and which were already being widely used in the United Kingdom, Brazil and India, at a time when that plague took lives around the planet, in a vain attempt (thank goodness) for the English company to prioritize the European Union. Among the many threats were, for a change and not by chance, commercial ones. Leyen showed the British and the world the true face of the EU. The British have a thriving culture and history to watch over and they cannot shrug as just one more a satellite state in the EU of Leyen.

Britain is now being crippled by strikes particularly in the health service and railways and there is a strong feeling among many Scots, maybe a majority, that control by right-wing Little Englanders of doubtful political ability and cynical financial greed, i.e. the Tory government, on its third Prime Minister this year and way behind in the opinion polls, has no vision for the future except saving its rear end in the 2024 General Election
Britain is now being crippled by strikes particularly in the health service and railways and there is a strong feeling among many Scots, maybe a majority, that control by right-wing Little Englanders of doubtful political ability and cynical financial greed, i.e. the Tory government, on its third Prime Minister this year and way behind in the opinion polls, has no vision for the future except saving its rear end in the 2024 General Election

strikes are going to cripple any economy regardless of the system in place any country
An example of a Brexiteer politician complaining about the effects of Brexit. Utterly bad-faithed.

what rubbish...............the question should be ......will England give up the pound 100% for the Euro currency...if not..........stop your whining and get along to make your pound work
The Economist explains the impact of Brexit, in charts.

John Springford of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank, tries to isolate the effect of Brexit by constructing a phantom country that tracked Britain’s performance before 2016’s referendum result.


One of the main reasons behind Brexit was to curb the number of immigrants to Britain. It had the opposite effect. 2022 has seen twice the amount of immigrants to the UK as the 10-year average before Brexit, and now three quarters of them are from outside the EU.


Are leavers feeling any remorse yet? At the end of this month it will be 3 years since the UK has left the EU and Brexiteers are starting to wonder if they weren't wrong after all. 52% of Britons voted to leave the EU. Now just over 40% think it was the right choice, and that percentage keeps falling.

strikes are going to cripple any economy regardless of the system in place any country

Of course, but the leading British Brexiteers are mostly second or third-raters who lack the capacity to make the British economy a success outside the EU. Independence cannot work with inferior politicians.:unsure:
Of course, but the leading British Brexiteers are mostly second or third-raters who lack the capacity to make the British economy a success outside the EU. Independence cannot work with inferior politicians.:unsure:

If the British populace want to stay in the EU ..........then 100% replace the Pound with the Euro , "you cannot have your cake and eat it too " ..............

If they don't want to join, then set market competitions world wide and also with the EU
The Economist explains the impact of Brexit, in charts.


One of the main reasons behind Brexit was to curb the number of immigrants to Britain. It had the opposite effect. 2022 has seen twice the amount of immigrants to the UK as the 10-year average before Brexit, and now three quarters of them are from outside the EU.


Are leavers feeling any remorse yet? At the end of this month it will be 3 years since the UK has left the EU and Brexiteers are starting to wonder if they weren't wrong after all. 52% of Britons voted to leave the EU. Now just over 40% think it was the right choice, and that percentage keeps falling.


increase in immigration is because the poor cannot live in the poorer EU nations with the Euro currency know how the EU operate, not every nation can grow certain crops every year, there is a rotation, spain and citrus fruit, stop, italy starts, then following year Italy stops, another EU nation that's grows citrus fruit the mean time the people growing in and not being able to sell , throw their crops in the garbage....that is how the EU control the prices of the products grown in the EU

the "crap" system has been discussed for many a year on its flaws, yet Brussels does zero about it
If the British populace want to stay in the EU ..........then 100% replace the Pound with the Euro , "you cannot have your cake and eat it too " ..............
If they don't want to join, then set market competitions world wide and also with the EU

I wanted to stay in the EU so don't blame me.

With the present right-wing government there is no chance of going back into the bloc or giving up the Pound.

Remember that the UK's only economic strength lies in its financial services. Its manufacturing has been mostly surrendered to the Chinese, Indians and others.

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