Haplogroup U5b2c


Hayley Germaine Painter
Reaction score
Ethnic group
Mixed European (North, South, East, and West)
Y-DNA haplogroup
R1b (Dad)
mtDNA haplogroup
I haven't seen any threads for the haplogroup U5b2c, so I decided to post one (if there is one I missed it, and I apologize).

If you have this haplogroup, what is the farthest back you've been able to go on that side of your family tree? The farthest I've been able to go is to my 5th great-grandmother, who was from Ireland.
I haven't seen any threads for the haplogroup U5b2c, so I decided to post one (if there is one I missed it, and I apologize).

If you have this haplogroup, what is the farthest back you've been able to go on that side of your family tree? The farthest I've been able to go is to my 5th great-grandmother, who was from Ireland.

The oldest (9500-7000BC) U5b2c were found in: Romania, Serbia, Hungary and Spain.
Was your great-grandmother (Țepeș) on the maternal branch? If so, U5b2c reinforces the idea that she was of Romanian origin. :)
I haven't seen any threads for the haplogroup U5b2c, so I decided to post one (if there is one I missed it, and I apologize).

If you have this haplogroup, what is the farthest back you've been able to go on that side of your family tree? The farthest I've been able to go is to my 5th great-grandmother, who was from Ireland.

If you are on FaceBook, so please join this group: mtDNA haplogroup U5
If you are on FaceBook, so please join this group: mtDNA haplogroup U5

I joined that group last August, actually. I always forget to check on it, though.
The oldest (9500-7000BC) U5b2c were found in: Romania, Serbia, Hungary and Spain.
Was your great-grandmother (Țepeș) on the maternal branch? If so, U5b2c reinforces the idea that she was of Romanian origin. :)

She's on my mother's side, but I wouldn't get my haplogroup from her. My farthest female (on the maternal haplogroup branch) is from Ireland

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