Gallic Wars : list of legates and other staff officers in Julius Caesar's army


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I am currently reading the book series Marius' Mules about the Gallic Wars (first 9 volumes, one book per year) and the Civil War between Caesar and Pompey. It is historical fiction, but written based on Caesar's Commentarii de Bello Gallico. Caesar's book is notoriously tedious to read and author Simon Turney wanted to provide the reader with a more entertaining historical account with adventure, gory battles, camaraderie and humour. It's a great read, although the author is still finding his writing style in the first volume. The main character is fictional (Marcus Falerius Fronto), but most of the others are real.

I was looking for a list of Caesar's officers and the years each served as legate, but the information is surprisingly hard to come by. For once I found more information in French than in English. Many officers didn't serve for the 9 years of the war (58-50 BCE) and Caesar rarely mentioned which legate was appointed to which legion. Here is a quick summary. I listed the officers by seniority in Caesar's army (first joined, then longest serving on top).

NameYears served (BCE)LegionRank (year)
Titus Labienus58-509th & 10thLegate (58-50)
Publius Vatinius58-50Legate (58-56, 51), Praetor (55)
Aulus Hirtius58-50Legate (58-54)
Marcus Vitruvius Mamurra58-50Praefectus fabrum
(chief engineer)
Servius Sulpicius Rufus58-52Legate
Quintus Titurius Sabinus58-54 (†)8thLegate (57-54)
Publius Licinius Crassus58-567thLegate (?)
Quintus Pedius58-56Legate (58-56)
Gaius Volusenus Quadratus57-5112thTribune (57-53), Legate (52)
Quintus Tullius Cicero57-52Legate (57-52)
Lucius Aurunculeius Cotta57-54 (†)8thLegate
Decimus Junius Brutus Albinus56-52NavyLegate
Titus Terrasidius56-557th (cavalry)Officer
Lucius Minucius Basilus55-52Legate (?)
Gaius Trebonius54-50Legate (54-50)
Mark Antony54-50Quaestor (52), Legate (51)
Lucius Munatius Plancus54-52Legate
Marcus Licinius Crassus54Quaestor (54)
Gaius Messius54Officer
Lucius Roscius Fabatus5413thLegate (54)
Quintus Atrius54Officer
Titus Sextius53-50?
Gaius Volcatius Tullus53-51?
Gaius Antistius Reginus53-52Legate (53-52)
Marcus Junius Brutus53?
Gaius Caninius Rebilus52-50Tribune (52), Legate (51)
Lucius Julius Caesar52Legate
Marcus Sempronius Rutilus52Legate
Marcus Aristius52Officer
Quintus Fufius Calenus51-50Legate (51-50)
Gaius Fabius51Legate
Quintus Attius Varus51general of the horse
Publius Ventidius Bassus??

A few centurions from Caesar's legions in Gaul are even known by name. Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo have become famous thanks to their depictions in the HBO series Rome.

Gaius Crastinus10th legionPrimus Pilus
Publius Sextius Baculus12th legionPrimus Pilus
Titus Balventius8th legionPrimus Pilus
Lucius Vorenus11th legion (?)Centurion
Titus Pullo11th legion (?)Centurion
Quintus LucaniusCenturion
Marcus Caesius Scaeva11th or 12th legionCenturion
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