France, but is it really?


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Berlin, Germany
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That's exactly the kind of page I was planning to make for Eupedia. The variety of landscapes and architectural styles in France is indeed quite stunning.
The Eupedia site underestimate Spain for some unknown reasons, maybe ignorance or it's francogermanic centrism.
The Eupedia site underestimate Spain for some unknown reasons, maybe ignorance or it's francogermanic centrism.

I don't understand why Spain and Portugal aren't included in the travel section, either. It belongs to the very top tourist regions of Europe, it definetly makes no sense not to include it.
The Eupedia site underestimate Spain for some unknown reasons, maybe ignorance or it's francogermanic centrism.

What do you mean by underestimate ? Don't you mean that they are under-represented ? Feel free to submit some pages (written in good English and not copied from another website or guidebook) about destinations you would like to include.
I don't understand why Spain and Portugal aren't included in the travel section, either. It belongs to the very top tourist regions of Europe, it definetly makes no sense not to include it.

I write the travel section. It takes time. It will take me years before I can complete France and Germany alone. I haven't really had time to write anything travel-related for over a year. But feel free to contribute articles if you want to see the guide grow faster. :)

The Photo Gallery has been on Eupedia since the site started in 2004 yet not a single active forum members (besides me) has contributed travel photos for years.
Germany is a great destination for study point of view and travelling point of view. In last year, i have visited Germany with my aunt for enjoying holidays. I like to share with you here we had visited it's these lovely attractions like Brandenburg Gate, The Berlin Wall, Museum Island and The Nymphenburg Palace

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