Question What did Paleo Balkan people look like?

He looks E-V13, so do these alleged east Slavs, even their folk music is spiritually Gheg like.

Videos on Hutsuls are full of these faces that can easily pass in Albania, the men look Albanian, and they likely have autosomal Slavic DNA higher than any south Slavic population.
What's an "E-V13 look"? The men look Albanian? Really? You can tell a South Slav apart from an Albanian, let alone these people. The only Slavic speakers in whose case that might not be as easy are the Macedonians and Bulgarians. But the Hutsuls or any other East Slavs? Worlds apart, my friend. The Hutsuls in particular are said to harbour a Vlach element, so they may shift a bit towards Romanians. As for the music analogy, you hear what you want to hear. Everything involving a violin might sound "Gheg-like" to you, perhaps even Paganini.

Constantius Chlorus reminds me of German comedian Mirco Nontschew who had a Bulgarian father:


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