Immigration Sweden or how to destroy a country through poor immigration policy


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Sweden is one of the world's most liberal, permissive and tolerant countries. Until not so long ago it was one of the safest countries in the world and one of the most egalitarian. But the naive immigration policy of its socialist politicians have destroyed all this. Sweden now has one of the highest crime rate in Europe. Almost all of it is due to Muslim immigrants, notably from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. This video explains the situation very well.

Many other European countries are facing similar problems due to the lack of integration of its Muslim immigrants. This is especially true in France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. Most of the Muslim immigrants in France come from former French colonies like Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.

Germany brought Turkish immigrants into 1960s to work in factories or in construction. These guest workers were supposed to go back to their country after a few years. They never did and instead brought their families. At least Turks are among the best integrated Muslim immigrants in Europe, maybe because they could almost be considered European and tend to be more secular than other Muslims.

In contrast Muslim immigrants to Sweden are recent arrivals from the last 20 years and he came from war-torn countries rife with religious extremists. Swedish politicians should have known better. And now all the country is suffering.
Here are some of the comments posted on the YouTube video above, with which I agree. All of them got thousands of likes.

Let's be honest here, if someone can't integrate into a beautiful and welcoming country like Sweden, they can't integrate anywhere.

The problem with integration is that Swedens plan was to integrate these people into their culture, but these people have no interest in that and instead demand Swedes integrate into their culture.

We lost our homeland for fear of being called a racist.

Some argue that because Western countries are facing birth rate drop, we need to fill it with immigration. Hell, I rather see my home country Finland fall into the size of Estonia (1 million) rather than see Finland change into Finlandistan.

It's funny how people who warned of this in the mid-2010s were all censored and condemned

In Norway we talk about Sweden like a horror story.
Western meddling is frequently taken as an explanation for the chaos in the Middle East and while this is true, it is only part of the picture and it takes two to tango. To take Syria as an example, broad swathes of its (Sunni) population were willingly participating in the Western-backed game of overthrowing Assad. The West has always found willing allies in Islamic extremists who would plunge their countries into chaos wherever they were "empowered." Were the anti-Assad insurgents fighting for democracy? No, they didn't hate Assad because he was a dictator but because he belongs to the wrong religion, from their perspective that is. It was also around the time when Syria was facing severe droughts and food prices were skyrocketing. "Help" came from Saudi Arabia, not just the humanitarian kind. They took the chance to spread their sick Wahhabitic ideology. But it was many Syrians themselves that couldn't wait to plunge their country into a bloody civil war, driven by sectarianism and tribalism. Such people can only be kept in line with an iron hand and Assad provided just that. As soon as many of them arrived in Europe, where human rights are (still) taken reasonably serious, it was an invitation to bite the hand that feeds them. It is not respect that the host countries got for their provision of social security and humane treatment but ridicule and disrespect. Its seems that good deeds are seen as signs of weakness and naiveté among those people. Their sense of solidarity with other humans does not go beyond the clan. Our societies where individual freedoms are held in high regards are viewed upon as open season. But we've already gone beyond the tolerance limit. We're going to see a signficant push-back in the upcoming years and it will come in various forms.

Let's take a look back at the "Gastarbeiter" phase in Germany in the 1960s when workers from Turkey, Yugoslavia and Italy were brought into the country. Was it economically justified? A lot of people say no. So what was the purpose? After WW2, Germany was rebuilt by the Germans. Those were tough years of hard labour, supported by the Marshall Plan, of course. But still, it was the Germans themselves who rolled up their sleeves and same can be said about all the other countries that suffered significant destruction during the war. As soon as the work was finished, the capitalists in Germany began to fear that the working people, who had rebuilt Germany with their sweat, might get "too demanding" based on their contributions and ask for a greater share of the economic pie. So what do you do in those cases? You begin to terrorise them with immigrants who are willing to work for much less. It is also a method to neutralise worker organisation, a class war from below, because you can't organise people with incompatible cultural traditions. As the late Helmut Schmidt said, integrating people from other European countries is not a problem but you cannot integrate people from Afghanistan, Syria etc. In 2015, Germany's establishment thought it was about to receive another influx of cheap labour until it was realised that these people have not come here to work but to be fed by those who do. In perpetuity. A lot of scum has arrived here, too. Without the fear of having their legs broken in Assad's (or whomever's) prisons, tolerance and human rights have become an invitation to those people to attack and rob innocents or rape women.

The problem are those in power, those who enabled all that. Is this all a part of their plan to destroy our democracies and social institutions and make every opposition to their policies impossible because the majority is too busy with survival and the consequences of illegal mass immigration? Or sheer stupidity of a clueless elite without a plan at all?
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Excellent post, Norbert! I agree with everything you wrote.
Here are some of the comments posted on the YouTube video above, with which I agree. All of them got thousands of likes.
It's such a pitty! I think France has more robust policies in order to reduce the power of religion, through laicity policies.
I have seen similar issues in my visits to Belgium, where you could not find beers outside city centers.
Africa is much better place for immigrants supply, and I'm not saying about North Africa. Just the other Africa.

It's time for exemptions based on origin in immigration policies.
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Ireland is heading this way fast
It's such a pitty! I think France has more robust policies in order to reduce the power of religion, through laicity policies.
I have seen similar issues in my visits to Belgium, where you could not find beers outside city centers.
Africa is much better place for immigrants supply, and I'm not saying about North Africa. Just the other Africa.

It's time for exemptions based on origin in immigration policies.

It's true that there are much less problems with immigrants from Sub-Saharan Africa (except maybe some Muslim extremists from places like Nigeria or Mali).
I rarely hear anything negative about people from sub-Saharan Africa. Many used to be engaged in drug-dealing 15 years ago or more but that was your average petty crime compared to the problems we have now. I don't remember SSA gangs robbing and beating up kids, stabbing people or raping girls. The comparably "normal" drug dealers from almost two decades ago have been replaced by murderous thugs from Chechnya, Afghanistan or the Maghreb, who are only tough when in large groups.

As for black Africans, the only really problematical group among them might be the Somalis. A friend from Gambia told me "they are the Chechens of Africa." Though they may not be engaged in criminal activities like the Chechens, they are antisocial, they refuse to work or educate themselves, all while breeding abnormally and expecting to be fed by everyone else. I had some dealings with these people back when I used to work for the city and noticed that they seem to take our social services for granted, as if they had a divine right to emigrate into the social system of any given society whenever they wish to. It's like they expect a "jizya tax" from us infidels.
There are ways to deal with bad immigrants. European governments should implement the following measures:
  • Stop providing social security benefits to non-European citizens who haven't contributed to the system for at least 10 years.
  • Stop accepting new refugees or immigrants from Muslim countries.
  • No more family reunification policy for immigrants or refugees from Muslim countries.
  • Deport first-generation immigrants or refugees who have been convicted of a crime. Make sure to fingerprint them, take DNA samples, and record their faces for AI recognition so that they cannot come back through any EU or Schengen country. If they come back, then automatic life imprisonment without parole. They should sign a document acknowledging that they are aware of these consequences before their deportation. The fear alone should be effective in preventing most people coming back.
  • Chemical castration for rapists who are first generation immigrants or refugees. Followed by deportation to their home country (even if it is still at war).
If we don't take these tougher measures now Europeans are going to suffer for generations to come.

It's important not to put all immigrants and refugees in the same basket. But experience has told us that immigrants from Muslim countries are far more likely to cause problems than other immigrants. Being Muslim is a state of mind and a set of values, which are not compatible with those held dear by Europeans. This is why different rules should apply to Muslim immigrants and refugees.

Some people condemned to deportation who don't have a passport or other document confirming their nationality sometimes claim to have "forgotten" where their home country so that they can avoid deportation. However modern DNA test can confirm their country and even region of origin relatively easily. Governments should make use of this.
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Nordic countries have already started implementing some of these policies, with Denmark taking the lead.

This video is also interesting. Did you know that Muslim immigrants in Sweden have 50% more children than native Swedes? That's in part because they can accept to live in more cramped conditions while benefiting from the same generous social benefits and child allowances as a Swedish people.

This video is also interesting. Did you know that Muslim immigrants in Sweden have 50% more children than native Swedes? That's in part because they can accept to live in more cramped conditions while benefiting from the same generous social benefits and child allowances as a Swedish people.

Also having lots of children is intrinsic to Islamic family life.
Too late. We should have thought of this at least 40-50 years ago.

And it is not just a question of the massive numbers of these uncivilised immigrants (or whose integration has been fake or superficial). There are in fact certain forces in the Western world that act as fifth columns, which will oppose any such measures. And they will probably make a reversal substantially impossible.

In the meantime, one would have to reckon with all the (mostly left-wing) political forces that have forcibly favoured or wanted this state of affairs. Is it realistic to think that they will give up their largest reservoir of votes? More likely they will abolish taxes.

Secondly, but connected to the previous point, it would be necessary to counter that horrid 'cultural' (!) humus that in fact castrates and puts the West in check. All those poisonous ideologies that feed its sense of guilt for its colonial and/or supposedly racist past, for the political and social privileges that now have to be atoned for with indiscriminate reception, not to mention that imbecilic radical neo-feminism - a real Trojan horse - that always points the finger at the white European male and his supposed patriarchy, but which closes both eyes and becomes silent, totally conformist and submissive in the face of real violence perpetrated by immigrants.

The European future is more likely to be an inextricable cloud of more or less localised civil wars, between natives and Islamic immigrants or descendants of the latter, an immense Balkanisation of the continent that will make it disappear from history and relegate it to an insignificant offshoot of the Afro-Middle Eastern world.
Too late. We should have thought of this at least 40-50 years ago.

And it is not just a question of the massive numbers of these uncivilised immigrants (or whose integration has been fake or superficial). There are in fact certain forces in the Western world that act as fifth columns, which will oppose any such measures. And they will probably make a reversal substantially impossible.

In the meantime, one would have to reckon with all the (mostly left-wing) political forces that have forcibly favoured or wanted this state of affairs. Is it realistic to think that they will give up their largest reservoir of votes? More likely they will abolish taxes.

Secondly, but connected to the previous point, it would be necessary to counter that horrid 'cultural' (!) humus that in fact castrates and puts the West in check. All those poisonous ideologies that feed its sense of guilt for its colonial and/or supposedly racist past, for the political and social privileges that now have to be atoned for with indiscriminate reception, not to mention that imbecilic radical neo-feminism - a real Trojan horse - that always points the finger at the white European male and his supposed patriarchy, but which closes both eyes and becomes silent, totally conformist and submissive in the face of real violence perpetrated by immigrants.

The European future is more likely to be an inextricable cloud of more or less localised civil wars, between natives and Islamic immigrants or descendants of the latter, an immense Balkanisation of the continent that will make it disappear from history and relegate it to an insignificant offshoot of the Afro-Middle Eastern world.
Your arguments are the right side supporters ones, as ever. But in fact things are more complicated. And immigrations is not only a help to leftists politicians to have more voices. A part of th 'leftist' basic people is as worried by the massive immigration as the rightist' ones. And the big capital is very satisifed by this immigration, even more the so called "neo-liberal" part of it. The "gesticulations" of some spectruom of the rightist side are also a mean to gain voices in elections, spite they don't think what they say. The populists parties (in fact playing the same game as the neo-liberalists when economy and social is in cause) aren't able to apply the policy they suggest, but they promise it. The problem todate crosses the traditionnal politic parties breaking lines. Sorry for this partly simplistic argumentation (lack of time).
No offense to anybody.
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First of all, we need to establish what being a leftist means. Traditionally, leftists were about class and social issues. None of the old movements and parties that represented the working class has been too enthusiastic about mass immigration. Correct me if I'm wrong but I seem to remember that the French Communist Party was very anti-immigration in the 1950s and 60s. Not because they were xenophobic but because they understood the consequences for the domestic working class. Mass immigration is an old trick to squeeze wages and weaken organised labour. As the "leftist" discourse was taken over by the academic, postmodernist pseudo-left, workers began to abandon the Old Left because they felt abandoned. Many switched to the right. Postmodernism isn't leftism, at least not in the historical sense. It laid the cultural groundwork for neoliberalism and globalisation in the shape of multiculturalism and cultural relativism. A great effort was made to shift the discourse from class to cultural and ethnic identities. Identity politics and "wokeness" are the latest offspring of something that has come a long way. It is an agenda that has been continually pushed by globalist oligarchs for the purpose of turning us all into permanent nomads, unable to organise and run societies where said oligarchs would be held accountable. We are to be atomised by espousing a parasitic variety of individualism where everyone thinks only of his own selfish needs and desires or we're to be fragmentised into endless identities (racial, ethnic, cultural, religious, sexual). Many people on the right perceive these oligarchs and their (neo)liberal, rootless, sociopathic lackeys in media as leftists, out of ignorance or for propagandistic reasons to portray all leftists as a bunch of degenerates and morons.

The "woke" agenda and pro-immigration policies of Big Money have nothing to do with a genuine, humanist plea against racism. It's all about their own class interests, about access to markets, ressources and human capital. National boundaries are an obstacle to the free flow of capital, the extraction of every penny from the last drop of blood from any human they can get. And if that becomes redundant, humans become reduntant and in fact they already are. People are becoming increasingly expendable with the progress of digital technologies and AI. The wealth extracted from the use of said technologies will not be democratically distributed for the improvement of mankind but will go into the pockets of a small minority in the vast sea of expendables. When people have no longer anything to lose "but their chains", they will come for the heads of a techno-feudalist class that seeks immortality via "transhumanism" while the poor become poorer and those who once had a decent life descend into social chaos.
The 'Muslim crime scare' is a MYTH

This is the real data of my country Spain, where Moroccans (africans) are blamed constantly for crime.

Because nationalization of Moroccans is more difficult and lengthy that for Hispanoamericans and Eastern Europeans, this is an accurate depiction, so don't try to bring the "what about all the nationalized" because it won't work.

We have all crimes ('delitos')

Here's aggravated murder, only 5 in 2022

And finally, the horrendously libelous and racist PANIC about rapes by Arab/Islamic migrants.

These ideas about a "Muslim crime wave" are totally false and the product of a constant misinformation campaign from the European far-right that is believed acritically by many.

And gets particularly inhumane when we're blaming the Syrian and Iraqi refugee caravans and calling them "invaders".

It is the product of specifically reporting crime only when and where is Muslim.

I invite you to do the same research for your country and post it here.
The 'Muslim crime scare' is a MYTH

This is the real data of my country Spain, where Moroccans (africans) are blamed constantly for crime.

Because nationalization of Moroccans is more difficult and lengthy that for Hispanoamericans and Eastern Europeans, this is an accurate depiction, so don't try to bring the "what about all the nationalized" because it won't work.

We have all crimes ('delitos')
View attachment 16047
Here's aggravated murder, only 5 in 2022
View attachment 16048

And finally, the horrendously libelous and racist PANIC about rapes by Arab/Islamic migrants.
View attachment 16049

These ideas about a "Muslim crime wave" are totally false and the product of a constant misinformation campaign from the European far-right that is believed acritically by many.

And gets particularly inhumane when we're blaming the Syrian and Iraqi refugee caravans and calling them "invaders".

It is the product of specifically reporting crime only when and where is Muslim.

I invite you to do the same research for your country and post it here.
According to 2021 demographics of Spain, Moroccans are 1.7% of the population. Thus looking at the crime stats above they are clearly overrepresented committing 8.5% of all crime, 2.5% of murders and 8.5% of sexual assaults.

Contrast that with ethnic Spaniards who make up 84.8% of the population but commit 74% of all crimes, 75% of murders and 70% of sexual assaults, all of which make them a little underrepresented.

So that would indicate that a Moroccan is 5-6 times more likely to commit a crime than an ethnic Spaniard, 2-3 times more likely to murder and 6 times more likely to rape.
First of all, we need to establish what being a leftist means. Traditionally, leftists were about class and social issues. None of the old movements and parties that represented the working class has been too enthusiastic about mass immigration. Correct me if I'm wrong but I seem to remember that the French Communist Party was very anti-immigration in the 1950s and 60s. Not because they were xenophobic but because they understood the consequences for the domestic working class. Mass immigration is an old trick to squeeze wages and weaken organised labour. As the "leftist" discourse was taken over by the academic, postmodernist pseudo-left, workers began to abandon the Old Left because they felt abandoned. Many switched to the right. Postmodernism isn't leftism, at least not in the historical sense. It laid the cultural groundwork for neoliberalism and globalisation in the shape of multiculturalism and cultural relativism. A great effort was made to shift the discourse from class to cultural and ethnic identities. Identity politics and "wokeness" are the latest offspring of something that has come a long way. It is an agenda that has been continually pushed by globalist oligarchs for the purpose of turning us all into permanent nomads, unable to organise and run societies where said oligarchs would be held accountable. We are to be atomised by espousing a parasitic variety of individualism where everyone thinks only of his own selfish needs and desires or we're to be fragmentised into endless identities (racial, ethnic, cultural, religious, sexual). Many people on the right perceive these oligarchs and their (neo)liberal, rootless, sociopathic lackeys in media as leftists, out of ignorance or for propagandistic reasons to portray all leftists as a bunch of degenerates and morons.

The "woke" agenda and pro-immigration policies of Big Money have nothing to do with a genuine, humanist plea against racism. It's all about their own class interests, about access to markets, ressources and human capital. National boundaries are an obstacle to the free flow of capital, the extraction of every penny from the last drop of blood from any human they can get. And if that becomes redundant, humans become reduntant and in fact they already are. People are becoming increasingly expendable with the progress of digital technologies and AI. The wealth extracted from the use of said technologies will not be democratically distributed for the improvement of mankind but will go into the pockets of a small minority in the vast sea of expendables. When people have no longer anything to lose "but their chains", they will come for the heads of a techno-feudalist class that seeks immortality via "transhumanism" while the poor become poorer and those who once had a decent life descend into social chaos.
I agree for a big part.
The question with Muslims is not only the one of % of diverse crimes but also their growing tendancy to escape the genuine democratic cicil laws and to create or recreate their own system of laws and deportment rules based on religion. Now, concerning crimes and irrespect of voted laws, it's true that immigrants are not always good representatives of the mean population of their country of origin, and that their integration is not always quick enough and leaves a lot of them without legal incomes, making them good preys for drog gangs. Without speaking, as already said, of law wages when they have them.
But whatever our thoughts, I doubt it would be good for all of us (world people and the planet) this encouraged boarding of our "small rescue canot" by everybody who want. I'm rather for e sincere help given to subdevelopped countries at home. With the warming of earth and the decreasing of livable places I doubt my remark could be followed by results, helas!

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